The 2006 Annual Checklist contains information on
884,552 species and
68,872 infraspecific taxa in the following groups:
• Viruses
and Subviral agents from ICTVdB
from BIOS • Blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria)
from AlgaeBase
• Chromistan
fungi from Species Fungorum • Chromistan algae
from AlgaeBase
• Major
groups from ITIS and AlgaeBase • Protozoan fungi
from Species Fungorum and Trichomycetes database
• Various
taxa in whole or in part from CABI Bioscience databases
(Species Fungorum, Phyllachorales, Rhytismatales and
Zygomycetes databases) and from three other databases
covering Xylariaceae, Glomeromycota NEW!
and Trichomycetes
Mosses from MOST • Cycads and 6 flowering plant
families from IOPI-GPC and 10 families from RBG Kew
Checklist NEW! • Legumes
from ILDIS • Seagrasses from AlgaeBase
• Marine invertebrates (13 phyla & 7 classes)
and chordates (4 classes) from URMO • Sea anemones
from the Hexacorallians of the World • Snails
and slugs (some groups) from AFD and ITIS • Krill
from ETI WBD • Spiders from SpidCat • Ticks
from TicksBase NEW! •
Dragonflies from the Odonata database NEW!
• Crickets, grasshoppers, locusts, and katydids
from the OSF • Planthoppers from FLOW NEW!
• Scale insects from ScaleNet • Butterflies
and moths from LepIndex NEW!
and Tineidae NHM • Flies, craneflies, mosquitoes,
bots, midges and gnats from BDWD, CCW, CIPA and ITIS
• Fleas from Parhost • Wasps from UCD NEW!
and ZOBODAT NEW! • Scarab
beetles from the World Scarabaeidae Database •
Longhorn beetles from TITAN • Fishes from FishBase
• Reptiles from EMBL Reptiles NEW!
• Various groups of amphibians, birds and mammals
from ITIS.
species of various groups from ITIS.
The goal is to list every distinct species in each
group of organisms. At the present stage some groups
are globally complete, some are represented by global
sectors that are nearing completion, and others are
represented with partial sectors. The global sectors,
whether complete or not, are provided by selected,
peer reviewed global species databases (GSDs) in the
Species 2000 federation or by equivalent global sectors
of ITIS. Figure 1 provides the definition of a GSD.
The partial sectors are supplied principally by ITIS
(N America), but also Species Fungorum and the Australian
Faunal Directory.
Fig. 1. Global Species Databases (GSDs)
or GSD sectors
GSDs aspire to the following properties:
• Cover one taxon worldwide
• Contain a taxonomic checklist
of all species within that taxon
• Deal with species as taxa,
and contain synonymy and taxonomic opinion
• Have an explicit mechanism
for seeking at least one responsible/consensus
taxonomy, and for applying it consistently
• Cross-index significant
alternative taxonomies in their synonymy
Each species is listed with an Accepted scientific
name, a cited reference and its Family and/or position
in the hierarchical classification. Additionally Common
Names and Synonyms may be provided, but these data
are not complete, and for some species none may exist.
The complete Standard Dataset is given in Figure 2.
Where available from the suppliers, infra-specific
taxa such as subspecies and varieties have been included
but this coverage is variable between taxonomic sectors.
Fig. 2. The Catalogue of Life Standard
(1) Accepted scientific name (and reference)
(2) Synonyms (and references)
(3) Common names (and references)
(4) Latest taxonomic scrutiny (Name of
person and date)
(5) Source database
(6) Additional data (optional)
(7) Family to which species belongs
(8) Classification above family, and highest
taxon in database
(9) Distribution
(10) Reference(s) (optional)
Each species is linked via the Genus and Family to
the hierarchical classification. Above the node of
attachment of each data sector this classification
has been agreed by Species 2000 and ITIS as a practical
management tool to provide access to the Catalogue.
Version 1 has remained unchanged in 2005 and 2006.
Below the node of attachment the classification originates
from the supplier databases. Where possible, a web
link back to the supplier's own database is provided
at the bottom of each species detail page.
• Species (and infra-specific taxa) can be located
either by searching by name or by tracking down through
the hierarchical classification.
• Searching by name can be done using accepted
scientific name, synonym or common name. Automatic
synonymic and common name indexing takes the user
directly to the species under its accepted name. The
search can use part names, or be restricted to complete
• Tracking down the tree or hierarchy uses accepted
names for taxa.
• The CD contains an identical copy of the Annual
Checklist dataset and of the software used on the
• The structure of the Annual Checklist database
has been optimised for performance with the user interface
but is not ideal for importing to other systems.
• The content may be copied subject to the Copyright
conditions given on the inside cover of this booklet.
The Catalogue of Life programme combines the outputs
of the Species 2000 programme (led by Frank Bisby
from Reading, UK) and the ITIS programme (led by Michael
Ruggiero from Washington, USA). Assembly and publication
of the Annual Checklist is managed by Yuri Roskov
in Reading working with colleagues in the Philippines,
Paris, Egham and Amsterdam.
Frank A Bisby, Species 2000 Executive Director
and Team member, at the Species 2000 Secretariat,
Reading, UK.
Michael A Ruggiero, Director of ITIS, ITIS
Secretariat c/o Smithsonian Institution, Washington
Yuri R Roskov, Species 2000 Content Manager
at the Species 2000 Secretariat, Reading, UK.
Monalisa Cachuela-Palacio, Annual Checklist
Dataset Compiler at the Species 2000 Philippines office,
Los-Baños, Philippines.
Susanah W Kimani, Annual Checklist Manager
(April - October 2005) at the Species 2000 Secretariat,
Reading, UK.
Paul M Kirk, Taxonomic Editor of Fungi and
Chromista sectors at CABI Bioscience, Egham, UK.
Adeline Soulier-Perkins, Content management
of European GSDs at the Species 2000 europa office,
Paris, France.
Jorrit van Hertum, Software and User Interface
programmer at the ETI Bioinformatics, Amsterdam, The
