Accepted scientific name:
Pallenis spinosa (L.) Cass. (provisionally accepted name)
Asteriscus madritensis (Sennen) Sennen (synonym)
Asteriscus spinosus (L.) Sch.Bip. (synonym)
Asteriscus ×caballeroi Sennen (synonym)
Athalmum spinosum Kuntze (synonym)
Buphthalmum spinosum L. (synonym)
Common names: -
Phylum Magnoliophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Asterales
Family Asteraceae
Genus Pallenis
Distribution: 1 - Europe, ; 2 - Africa, ; 3 - Asia-Temperate, ; 1 - Europe, 14 - Eastern Europe, ; 3 - Asia-Temperate, 32 - Middle Asia, ; 3 - Asia-Temperate, 33 - Caucasus, ; 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, France (FRA), ; 1 - Europe, 10 - Northern Europe, Ireland (IRE), ; 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Italy (ITA), ; 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Lebanon-Syria (LBS), ; 2 - Africa, 20 - Northern Africa, Morocco (MOR), ; 3 - Asia-Temperate, 33 - Caucasus, North Caucasus (NCS), ; 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Spain (SPA), ; 3 - Asia-Temperate, 33 - Caucasus, Transcaucasus (TCS), ; 1 - Europe, 14 - Eastern Europe, Ukraine (UKR), ; 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Yugoslavia (YUG), ; 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Albania (ALB), Albania (ALB-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Albania (ALB), Albania (ALB-OO); 2 - Africa, 20 - Northern Africa, Algeria (ALG), Algeria (ALG-OO); 1 - Europe, 11 - Middle Europe, Austria (AUT), Austria (AUT-AU); 1 - Europe, 11 - Middle Europe, Austria (AUT), Liechtenstein (AUT-LI); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Baleares (BAL), Baleares (BAL-OO); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Baleares (BAL), Baleares (BAL-OO); 1 - Europe, 11 - Middle Europe, Belgium (BGM), Belgium (BGM-BE); 1 - Europe, 11 - Middle Europe, Belgium (BGM), Luxembourg (BGM-LU); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Bulgaria (BUL), Bulgaria (BUL-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Bulgaria (BUL), Bulgaria (BUL-OO); 2 - Africa, 21 - Macaronesia, Canary Is. (CNY), Canary Is. (CNY-OO); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Corse (COR), Corse (COR-OO); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Corse (COR), Corse (COR-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Cyprus (CYP), Cyprus (CYP-OO); 1 - Europe, 11 - Middle Europe, Czechoslovakia (CZE), Czech Republic (CZE-CZ); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, East Aegean Is. (EAI), East Aegean Is. (EAI-OO); 2 - Africa, 20 - Northern Africa, Egypt (EGY), Egypt (EGY-OO); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, France (FRA), Channel Is. (FRA-CI); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, France (FRA), France (FRA-FR); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, France (FRA), Monaco (FRA-MO); 1 - Europe, 11 - Middle Europe, Germany (GER), Germany (GER-OO); 1 - Europe, 10 - Northern Europe, Great Britain (GRB), Great Britain (GRB-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Greece (GRC), Greece (GRC-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Greece (GRC), Greece (GRC-OO); 1 - Europe, 11 - Middle Europe, Hungary (HUN), Hungary (HUN-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Iran (IRN), Iran (IRN-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Iran (IRN), Iran (IRN-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Iraq (IRQ), Iraq (IRQ-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Italy (ITA), Italy (ITA-IT); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Italy (ITA), San Marino (ITA-SM); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Italy (ITA), Vatican City (ITA-VC); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 32 - Middle Asia, Kazakhstan (KAZ), Kazakhstan (KAZ-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Kriti (KRI), Kriti (KRI-OO); 1 - Europe, 14 - Eastern Europe, Krym (KRY), Krym (KRY-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Lebanon-Syria (LBS), Lebanon (LBS-LB); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Lebanon-Syria (LBS), Syria (LBS-SY); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Lebanon-Syria (LBS), Syria (LBS-SY); 2 - Africa, 20 - Northern Africa, Libya (LBY), Libya (LBY-OO); 1 - Europe, 11 - Middle Europe, Netherlands (NET), Netherlands (NET-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Palestine (PAL), Israel (PAL-IS); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Palestine (PAL), Jordan (PAL-JO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Palestine (PAL), Jordan (PAL-JO); 1 - Europe, 11 - Middle Europe, Poland (POL), Poland (POL-OO); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Portugal (POR), Portugal (POR-OO); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Portugal (POR), Portugal (POR-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Romania (ROM), Romania (ROM-OO); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Sardegna (SAR), Sardegna (SAR-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Sicilia (SIC), Malta (SIC-MA); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Sicilia (SIC), Sicilia (SIC-SI); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Sinai (SIN), Sinai (SIN-OO); 5 - Australasia, 50 - Australia, South Australia (SOA), South Australia (SOA-OO); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Spain (SPA), Andorra (SPA-AN); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Spain (SPA), Gilbraltar (SPA-GI); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Spain (SPA), Spain (SPA-SP); 1 - Europe, 11 - Middle Europe, Switzerland (SWI), Switzerland (SWI-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 33 - Caucasus, Transcaucasus (TCS), Armenia (TCS-AR); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 33 - Caucasus, Transcaucasus (TCS), Azerbaijan (TCS-AZ); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 32 - Middle Asia, Turkmenistan (TKM), Turkmenistan (TKM-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Turkey-in-Europe (TUE), Turkey-in-Europe (TUE-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Turkey-in-Europe (TUE), Turkey-in-Europe (TUE-OO); 2 - Africa, 20 - Northern Africa, Tunisia (TUN), Tunisia (TUN-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Turkey (TUR), Turkey (TUR-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Turkey (TUR), Turkey (TUR-OO); 1 - Europe, 14 - Eastern Europe, Ukraine (UKR), Ukraine (UKR-UK); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 32 - Middle Asia, Uzbekistan (UZB), Uzbekistan (UZB-OO); 5 - Australasia, 50 - Australia, Victoria (VIC), Victoria (VIC-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Yugoslavia (YUG), Bosnia-Herzegovina (YUG-BH); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Yugoslavia (YUG), Croatia (YUG-CR); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Yugoslavia (YUG), Macedonia (YUG-MA); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Yugoslavia (YUG), Montenegro (YUG-MN); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Yugoslavia (YUG), Slovenia (YUG-SL);
Additional data: Data Providers: African Plant Database, Govaerts World Compositae Checklist A-G, IPNI, Tropicos, Euro+Med, LCR Editor, Electronic Flora of South Australia, Victoria Census, Vascular Plants of Russia, Compositae from Flora Iranica, Naturalised Australian Asteraceae. GCC LSID:
Source database: GCC, 2 (Beta), Nov 2010
Latest taxonomic scrutiny: Flann C., 16-Sep-2010
Online resource:
CoL taxon LSID: