Accepted scientific name:
Ambrosia maritima L. (provisionally accepted name)
Ambrosia senegalensis DC. (synonym)
Common names: -
Phylum Magnoliophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Asterales
Family Asteraceae
Genus Ambrosia
Distribution: 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Albania (ALB), ; 8 - Southern America, 84 - Brazil, Brazil Northeast (BZE), ; 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Corse (COR), ; 2 - Africa, 21 - Macaronesia, Cape Verde (CVI), ; 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Cyprus (CYP), ; 2 - Africa, 24 - Northeast Tropical Africa, Ethiopia (ETH), ; 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, France (FRA), ; 2 - Africa, 23 - West-Central Tropical Africa, Gulf of Guinea Is. (GGI), ; 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Greece (GRC), ; 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Italy (ITA), ; 2 - Africa, 22 - West Tropical Africa, Ivory Coast (IVO), ; 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Kriti (KRI), ; 2 - Africa, 29 - Western Indian Ocean, Mauritius (MAU), ; 2 - Africa, 20 - Northern Africa, Morocco (MOR), ; 2 - Africa, 20 - Northern Africa, Morocco (MOR), ; 2 - Africa, 22 - West Tropical Africa, Mauritania (MTN), ; 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Palestine (PAL), ; 2 - Africa, 22 - West Tropical Africa, Senegal (SEN), ; 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Sicilia (SIC), ; 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Spain (SPA), ; 2 - Africa, 24 - Northeast Tropical Africa, Sudan (SUD), ; 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Turkey (TUR), ; 3 - Asia-Temperate, 35 - Arabian Peninsula, Yemen (YEM), ; 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Yugoslavia (YUG), ; 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Albania (ALB), Albania (ALB-OO); 2 - Africa, 20 - Northern Africa, Algeria (ALG), Algeria (ALG-OO); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Baleares (BAL), Baleares (BAL-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Cyprus (CYP), Cyprus (CYP-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, East Aegean Is. (EAI), East Aegean Is. (EAI-OO); 2 - Africa, 20 - Northern Africa, Egypt (EGY), Egypt (EGY-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Greece (GRC), Greece (GRC-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Italy (ITA), Italy (ITA-IT); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Italy (ITA), San Marino (ITA-SM); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Italy (ITA), Vatican City (ITA-VC); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Kriti (KRI), Kriti (KRI-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Lebanon-Syria (LBS), Lebanon (LBS-LB); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Lebanon-Syria (LBS), Syria (LBS-SY); 2 - Africa, 20 - Northern Africa, Libya (LBY), Libya (LBY-OO); 2 - Africa, 29 - Western Indian Ocean, Madagascar (MDG), Madagascar (MDG-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Palestine (PAL), Israel (PAL-IS); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Palestine (PAL), Jordan (PAL-JO); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Sardegna (SAR), Sardegna (SAR-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 35 - Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia (SAU), Saudi Arabia (SAU-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Sicilia (SIC), Malta (SIC-MA); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Sicilia (SIC), Sicilia (SIC-SI); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Sinai (SIN), Sinai (SIN-OO); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Spain (SPA), Andorra (SPA-AN); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Spain (SPA), Gilbraltar (SPA-GI); 1 - Europe, 12 - Southwestern Europe, Spain (SPA), Spain (SPA-SP); 2 - Africa, 20 - Northern Africa, Tunisia (TUN), Tunisia (TUN-OO); 3 - Asia-Temperate, 34 - Western Asia, Turkey (TUR), Turkey (TUR-OO); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Yugoslavia (YUG), Croatia (YUG-CR); 1 - Europe, 13 - Southeastern Europe, Yugoslavia (YUG), Montenegro (YUG-MN);
Additional data: Data Providers: African Plant Database, Govaerts World Compositae Checklist A-G, IPNI, MesoAmericana, Tropicos, Euro+Med, Vascular Plants of Russia, Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil, Flora of Saudi Arabia - Checklist. GCC LSID:
Source database: GCC, 2 (Beta), Nov 2010
Latest taxonomic scrutiny: Flann C., 01-Nov-2010
Online resource:
CoL taxon LSID: