Accepted scientific name:
Licania salicifolia Cuatrec. (accepted name) 1 literature reference for Licania salicifolia Cuatrec.
Synonyms: -
Common names: -
Plantae CoL
Phylum Tracheophyta CoL
Class Magnoliopsida CoL
Order Malpighiales CoL
Family Chrysobalanaceae IOPI-GPC
Genus Licania IOPI-GPC
Distribution: Known only from the vicinity of the type locality in Colombia (near Rionegro). 83: CLM. A high altitude endemic. Map 96.
Lifezones: -
Additional data: -
Source database: IOPI-GPC, 10.0, Aug 2007   99%
Latest taxonomic scrutiny: Prance G.T. & Sothers C.A., 2003
Online resource:
CoL taxon LSID: