Species details

Accepted scientific name:

Echis omanensis BABOCSAY 2004 (accepted name)


Echis colorata BOULENGER 1887:408 (ambiguous synonym)

Echis coloratus BOULENGER 1896:507 (ambiguous synonym)

Echis froenatus CHERLIN 1990: 203 (partim) (ambiguous synonym)

Common names:



Phylum Chordata

Class Reptilia

Order Squamata

Superfamily Xenophidia (Colubroidea = Caenophidia)

Family Viperidae

Genus Echis


Additional data:

Venomous! Note that Echis froenatus DUMÉRIL, BIBRON & DUMÉRIL was suppressed by Opinion 1176 (ICZN 1981). Definition: Echis omanensis has a longer tail with higher subcaudal counts; the lower prenasal scale is often missing and the upper prenasal is frequently fused with the nasal; the subnasal is often missing or fused with the nasal. The gular scales between the chin-shield and the preventrals are round or only slightly elongate, not elongate as in Echis coloratus, andtheir number is higher. Other differences in characters of the gular area indicate a different scale structure of the ventral surface of the head. The new species is allopatric or parapatric with E. coloratus, but sympatric with Echis carinatus sochureki. Holotype: BMNH 1973.2113

Source database:

EMBL Reptile Database, Nov 2005

Latest taxonomic scrutiny:

Uetz P.

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