Full name: World Species List of Annonaceae
Short name: AnnonBase
Version: 1.1, Oct 2006
Release date: 2006-10-12
Authors/editors: H. Rainer & L.W. Chatrou (eds)
Taxonomic coverage: Plantae - Magnoliophyta - Magnoliopsida - Magnoliales - Annonaceae
English name of the group: Custard apples
Number of species: 2,236
Number of infraspecific taxa: 193
Number of synonyms: 2,219
Number of common names: 0
Total number of names: 4,648
Abstract: AnnonBase includes all published names of Annonaceae of any rank worldwide. The idea of this development is to serve as a concise taxonomic backbone for basic as well as applied scientific studies. The AnnonBase source database also includes references to type material and their location of deposit. Future releases will include information on vernacular names, distributional data and links to relevant information sources. Database development and maintenance has been done at the University of Vienna funded by the Universities of Utrecht and Vienna and the European Commission.
Organization: Annonaceae Working Group; University of Vienna, Austria; Universities of Leiden, Utrecht, and Wageningen, The Netherlands
Website: http://www.annonaceae.org/