58 literature references for Bryum pseudotriquetrum P. G. Gärtner, B. Meyer & Scherbius, 1802:
Author: |
Iwatsuki, Z. |
Year: |
1991 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Cat. Mosses Japan |
Author: |
Seki, T. |
Year: |
1974 |
Title: |
A moss flora of Provincia de Aisén, Chile. Results of the Second Scientific Expedition to Patagonia by Hokkaido and Hiroshima Universities, 1967 |
Source: |
J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., Ser. B, Div. 2, Bot. |
Author: |
Ignatov, M. S. & O. M. Afonina (Editors) |
Year: |
1992 |
Title: |
Checklist of mosses of the former USSR |
Source: |
Arctoa |
Author: |
E. B. Bartram |
Year: |
1928 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. |
Author: |
Dalton, P. J., R. D. Seppelt & A. M. Buchanan |
Year: |
1991 |
Title: |
An annotated checklist of Tasmanian mosses |
Source: |
Asp. Tasmanian Bot. |
Author: |
Beever, J., K. W. Allison & J. Child |
Year: |
1992 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Mosses New Zealand (ed. 2) |
Author: |
C. Müller |
Year: |
1851 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Syn. Musc. Frond. |
Author: |
Bridel |
Year: |
1827 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Bryol. Univ. |
Author: |
C. Müller |
Year: |
1858 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) |
Author: |
Crosby, M. R. and others - REVISED |
Year: |
1999 |
Title: |
REVISED: accepted in a monograph, revision, or descriptive flora since 1963 |
Source: |
Checklist Mosses |
Author: |
Bescherelle |
Year: |
1896 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 8, |
Author: |
Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares C. |
Year: |
1995 |
Title: |
Prodromus bryologiae Novo-Granatensis: introducción a la flora de musgos de Colombia. Parte 1: Adelotheciaceae a Funariaceae |
Source: |
Bibliot. Jose Jeronimo Triana |
Author: |
C. Müller |
Year: |
1851 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Syn. Musc. Frond. |
Author: |
Ireland, R. R. |
Year: |
1982 |
Title: |
Moss flora of the Maritime Provinces |
Source: |
Publ. Bot. (Ottawa) |
Author: |
Abramov, I. I. & A. L. Abramova |
Year: |
1983 |
Title: |
Konspekt flor'i mhov Mongol'skoj Narodnoj Respubliki |
Source: |
Biol. Resursy Prir. Uslov. Mongol'sk. Narod. Respubl. |
Author: |
Bartram, E. B. |
Year: |
1949 |
Title: |
Mosses of Guatemala |
Source: |
Fieldiana, Bot. |
Author: |
C. Müller |
Year: |
1876 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Linnaea |
Author: |
C. Müller |
Year: |
1879 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Linnaea |
Author: |
Brotherus |
Year: |
1909 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Nat. Pflanzenfam. |
Author: |
Bridel |
Year: |
1801 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Muscol. Recent. |
Author: |
C. Müller |
Year: |
1896 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Flora |
Author: |
C. Müller |
Year: |
1879 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Linnaea |
Author: |
Kindberg |
Year: |
1888 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Enum. Bryin. Exot. |
Author: |
Sakurai |
Year: |
1936 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) |
Author: |
P. G. Gärtner, B. Meyer & Scherbius |
Year: |
1802 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Oekon. Fl. Wetterau |
Author: |
Crum, H. & L. E. Anderson |
Year: |
1981 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Mosses E. N. Amer. |
Author: |
Ireland, R. R., G. R. Brassard, W. B. Schofield & D. H. Vitt |
Year: |
1987 |
Title: |
Checklist of the mosses of Canada II |
Source: |
Lindbergia |
Author: |
Florschütz-de Waard, J. & P. A. Florschütz |
Year: |
1979 |
Title: |
Estudios sobre criptógamas Colombianas III. Lista comentada de los musgos de Colombia |
Source: |
Bryologist |
Author: |
Brotherus & Watts |
Year: |
1918 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales |
Author: |
Brotherus |
Year: |
1902 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Nat. Pflanzenfam. |
Author: |
Agnew, S. & M. Vondrác |
Year: |
– |
Title: |
1975 |
Source: |
A moss flora of Iraq |
Author: |
J. Fröhlich |
Year: |
1953 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien |
Author: |
Brotherus |
Year: |
1901 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Nat. Pflanzenfam. |
Author: |
Breen, R. S. |
Year: |
1963 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Mosses Florida |
Author: |
Breil, D. A. |
Year: |
1973 |
Title: |
Mosses of Virginia: a provisional key to the genera |
Author: |
Bizot in Bizot & Pócs |
Year: |
1982 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. |
Author: |
Noguchi |
Year: |
1948 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
J. Hattori Bot. Lab. |
Author: |
E. B. Bartram |
Year: |
1942 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Lloydia |
Author: |
C. Müller |
Year: |
1897 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s., |
Author: |
Bridel |
Year: |
– |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Muscol. Recent. Suppl. |
Author: |
Eversman, S. & A. J. Sharp |
Year: |
1980 |
Title: |
First checklist of Montana mosses |
Source: |
Proc. Montana Acad. Sci. |
Author: |
Ketchledge, E. H. |
Year: |
1980 |
Title: |
Revised checklist of the moses of New York State |
Source: |
New York State Mus. Bull. |
Author: |
Bowers, F. D. & S. K. Freckmann |
Year: |
1979 |
Title: |
Atlas of Wisconsin bryophytes Rep. Fauna Fl. Wisconsin |
Author: |
Mahler, W. F. |
Year: |
1978 |
Title: |
Preliminary checklist of mosses of New Mexico |
Source: |
Bryologist |
Author: |
Noguchi, A. & Z. Iwatsuki |
Year: |
1988 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Ill. Moss Fl. Japan |
Author: |
Scherbius ex P. G. Gärtner, B. Meyer & Scherbius |
Year: |
1802 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Oekon. Fl. Wetterau |
Author: |
Hampe |
Year: |
1862 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Flora |
Author: |
Brotherus |
Year: |
1906 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Nat. Pflanzenfam. |
Author: |
Li Xing-jiang & Zang Mu |
Year: |
1979 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Acta Bot. Yunnan. |
Author: |
Arnott |
Year: |
1827 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris |
Author: |
Churchill, S. P. |
Year: |
1985 |
Title: |
A synopsis of the Kansas mosses with keys and distribution maps |
Source: |
Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. |
Author: |
Fleischer |
Year: |
1923 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Musci Buitenzorg |
Author: |
C. Müller |
Year: |
1882 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Linnaea |
Author: |
Hilferty, F. J. |
Year: |
1960 |
Title: |
The mosses of Massachusetts. A county catalogue with annotations |
Source: |
Rhodora |
Author: |
Hampe |
Year: |
1853 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Linnaea |
Author: |
Anderson, L. E., H. A. Crum & W. R. Buck |
Year: |
1990 |
Title: |
List of mosses of North America north of Mexico |
Source: |
Bryologist |
Author: |
E. B. Bartram |
Year: |
1957 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Brittonia |
Author: |
C. Müller |
Year: |
1897 |
Title: |
– |
Source: |
Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s., |