5 literature references for Chaetomitrium perlaeve Dixon, 1922:

Author: Crosby, M. R. and others - USED
Year: 1999
Title: USED in a checklist or nondescriptive flora, citing collections, since 1963
Source: Checklist Mosses
Author: Akiyama, H.
Year: 1997
Title: Taxonomic studies of mosses of Seram and Ambon (Moluccas, East Malesia) collected by Indonesian-Japanese Botanical Expeditions VIII. Meteoriaceae, Hookeriaceae, and Trachypodaceae
Source: Nat. & Human Activ.
Author: Akiyama, H.
Year: 1999
Title: Additional notes on the genus ~Chaetomitrium~ Dozy & Molk. (Hookeriaceae, Musci) reported from Seram Island (Moluccas, East Malesia)
Source: Bryol. Res.
Author: Tan, B. C.
Year: 2000
Title: Additions to the moss floras of Mt. Wilhelm Nature Reserve and Mt. Gahavisuka Provincial Park, Papua New Guinea
Source: J. Hattori Bot. Lab.
Author: Dixon
Year: 1922
Source: J. Linn. Soc., Bot.