10 literature references for Crossidium seriatum H. Crum & Steere, 1959,:

Author: Stark, L. R. & A. T. Whittemore
Year: 1992
Title: Additions to the bryoflora of southern California
Source: Bryologist
Author: Jaeger
Year: 1872
Source: Ber. Thatigk. St. Gallischen Naturwiss. Ges.
Author: Cano, M. J., J. Guerra & R. M. Ros
Year: 1993
Title: A revision of the moss genus ~Crossidium~ (Pottiaceae) with the description of the new genus ~Microcrossidium~
Source: Pl. Syst. Evol.
Author: Crosby, M. R. and others - REVISED
Year: 1999
Title: REVISED: accepted in a monograph, revision, or descriptive flora since 1963
Source: Checklist Mosses
Author: Delgadillo M., C.
Year: 1996
Title: Notes on the distribution of ~Aloina~ and ~Crossidium~ (Musci)
Source: Bryologist
Author: Brotherus
Year: 1920
Source: Rev. Bryol.
Author: Brotherus in Levier
Year: 1906
Source: Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s.,
Author: H. Crum & Steere
Year: 1959,
Source: SouthW. Naturalist
Author: Ireland, R. R., G. R. Brassard, W. B. Schofield & D. H. Vitt
Year: 1987
Title: Checklist of the mosses of Canada II
Source: Lindbergia
Author: Anderson, L. E., H. A. Crum & W. R. Buck
Year: 1990
Title: List of mosses of North America north of Mexico
Source: Bryologist