7 literature references for Struckia argentata C. Müller, 1893:

Author: Dixon
Year: 1928
Source: Rev. Bryol., n.s.
Author: Hampe in C. Müller
Year: 1848
Source: Syn. Musc. Frond.
Author: Crosby, M. R. and others - REVISED
Year: 1999
Title: REVISED: accepted in a monograph, revision, or descriptive flora since 1963
Source: Checklist Mosses
Author: Cardot & Potier de la Varde
Year: 1912
Source: Rev. Bryol.
Author: C. Müller
Year: 1893
Source: Arch. Vereins Freunde Naturgesch. Mecklenburg
Author: Redfearn, P. L., Jr. & P.-C. Wu
Year: 1986
Title: Catalog of the mosses of China
Source: Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard.
Author: Dixon & Badhwar
Year: 1938
Source: Rec. Bot. Surv. India