Accepted scientific name:
Dalbergia ecastaphyllum (L.)Taub. (accepted name) 8 literature references for Dalbergia ecastaphyllum (L.)Taub.
Amerimnon ecastaphyllum (L.)Standl. (synonym) 6 literature references for Amerimnon ecastaphyllum (L.)Standl.
Amerimnon ecastophyllum (L.)Standl. (synonym) 2 literature references for Amerimnon ecastophyllum (L.)Standl.
Dalbergia brownei (Jacq.)Schinz, p.p. (ambiguous synonym) 2 literature references for Dalbergia brownei (Jacq.)Schinz, p.p.
Dalbergia ecastaphylla (L.)Taub. (synonym) 4 literature references for Dalbergia ecastaphylla (L.)Taub.
Dalbergia ecastophyllum (L.)Taub. (synonym) 2 literature references for Dalbergia ecastophyllum (L.)Taub.
Ecastaphyllum brownei Pers. (synonym) 12 literature references for Ecastaphyllum brownei Pers.
Ecastaphyllum brownii Pers. (synonym) 2 literature references for Ecastaphyllum brownii Pers.
Ecastaphyllum ecastaphyllum (L.)Britton (synonym) 2 literature references for Ecastaphyllum ecastaphyllum (L.)Britton
Ecastaphyllum ecastophyllum (L.)Britton (synonym) 6 literature references for Ecastaphyllum ecastophyllum (L.)Britton
Ecastaphyllum molle Miq. (synonym) 2 literature references for Ecastaphyllum molle Miq.
Emerimnum strigulosum sensu Bojer (synonym) 2 literature references for Emerimnum strigulosum sensu Bojer
Hecastophyllum brownei Kunth (synonym) 2 literature references for Hecastophyllum brownei Kunth
Hedysarum ecastaphyllum L. (synonym) 9 literature references for Hedysarum ecastaphyllum L.
Hedysarum ecastaphyllum L.(1759) (synonym) 2 literature references for Hedysarum ecastaphyllum L.(1759)
Pterocarpus ecastaphyllum (L.)L. (synonym) 2 literature references for Pterocarpus ecastaphyllum (L.)L.
Pterocarpus ecastaphyllum L. (synonym) 4 literature references for Pterocarpus ecastaphyllum L.
Pterocarpus ecastaphyllum Vell. (synonym) 2 literature references for Pterocarpus ecastaphyllum Vell.
Common names:
Common name Language Country
Bejuco de Peseta - - Click here to show the literature
Bejuco Serná Blanco - - Click here to show the literature
Bugi - - Click here to show the literature
coinvine - USA Click here to show the literature
Liane à Clous - - Click here to show the literature
Maraimaray - - Click here to show the literature
Maray-maray - - Click here to show the literature
Marmeleiro-da-praia - - Click here to show the literature
Marmelo - - Click here to show the literature
Palo de Pollo - - Click here to show the literature
Péndola - - Click here to show the literature
Phylum Magnoliophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Fabales
Family Fabaceae
Genus Dalbergia
Distribution: Angola-ISO (uncertain); Antigua-Barbuda (native); Bahamas (native); Barbados (native); Belize (native); Brazil (native); Cameroon (uncertain); Cayman Is (native); Colombia (native); Costa Rica (native); Cuba (native); Dominica (native); Dominican Republic (native); Equatorial Guinea-ISO (uncertain); French Guiana (native); Gambia The (uncertain); Ghana (uncertain); Grenada (native); Guadeloupe (native); Guatemala (native); Guinea (uncertain); Guinea Bissau (uncertain); Guyana (native); Haiti (native); India (native); India-ISO (uncertain); Ivory Coast (uncertain); Liberia (uncertain); Martinique (native); Mauritius (introduced); Mexico(South East) (native); Montserrat (native); Nigeria (uncertain); Panama (native); Peru (native); Puerto Rico (native); Reunion (introduced); Sao Tome & Principe (uncertain); Senegal (uncertain); Sierra Leone (uncertain); St Martin-St Barthelemy (native); St Vincent (native); Surinam (native); Togo (uncertain); Trinidad & Tobago (native); United States (native); Venezuela (native)
Additional data: Climbing: Not climbing, Conservation Status: Not Threatened, Habit: Shrub, Habit: Tree, Lifespan: Perennial
Source database: ILDIS, 10.01, May 2007
Latest taxonomic scrutiny: -
Online resource:
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