Accepted scientific name:
Ephedra distachya subsp. distachya (accepted name)
Ephedra arborea Lag. ex Bertol. (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra arborea Lag. ex Bertol.
Ephedra botryoides Fisch. (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra botryoides Fisch.
Ephedra clusii Dufour (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra clusii Dufour
Ephedra distachya var. caspia (Fomin) Grossh. (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra distachya var. caspia (Fomin) Grossh.
Ephedra distachya forma caspia Fomin (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra distachya forma caspia Fomin
Ephedra distachya forma circinnata Stapf (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra distachya forma circinnata Stapf
Ephedra distachya var. media (C.A.Mey.) Stapf (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra distachya var. media (C.A.Mey.) Stapf
Ephedra distachya subsp. monostachya (L.) Riedl (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra distachya subsp. monostachya (L.) Riedl
Ephedra distachya subvar. monostachya (L.) Stapf (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra distachya subvar. monostachya (L.) Stapf
Ephedra dubia Regel (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra dubia Regel
Ephedra linnaei Stapf ex Koehne (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra linnaei Stapf ex Koehne
Ephedra macrocephala Bertol. (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra macrocephala Bertol.
Ephedra maritima St.-Lag. (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra maritima St.-Lag.
Ephedra media C.A.Mey. (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra media C.A.Mey.
Ephedra minor Host (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra minor Host
Ephedra monostachya L. (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra monostachya L.
Ephedra podostylax Boiss. (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra podostylax Boiss.
Ephedra polygonoides Pall., nom. illeg. (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra polygonoides Pall., nom. illeg.
Ephedra subtristachya C.A.Mey. (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra subtristachya C.A.Mey.
Ephedra vulgaris Rich., nom. illeg. (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra vulgaris Rich., nom. illeg.
Ephedra vulgaris var. arborea (Lag. ex Bertol.) Nyman (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra vulgaris var. arborea (Lag. ex Bertol.) Nyman
Ephedra vulgaris var. media C.A.Mey. (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra vulgaris var. media C.A.Mey.
Ephedra vulgaris var. minor (Host) Nyman (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra vulgaris var. minor (Host) Nyman
Ephedra vulgaris var. monostachya (L.) C.A.Mey. (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra vulgaris var. monostachya (L.) C.A.Mey.
Ephedra vulgaris var. submonostachya C.A.Mey. (synonym) 1 literature reference for Ephedra vulgaris var. submonostachya C.A.Mey.
Common names: -
Phylum Gnetophyta
Class Gnetopsida
Order Ephedrales
Family Ephedraceae
Genus Ephedra
Species Ephedra distachya
Distribution: Europe to C. Asia
Additional data: -
Source database: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, 27 Nov 2009
Latest taxonomic scrutiny: Govaerts R., 23-Jun-2006
Online resource:
CoL taxon LSID: