Full name: ITIS Bees: World Bee Checklist
Short name: ITIS Bees
Version: Sep 2009
Release date: 2009-09-28
Authors/editors: Ruggiero M. (project leader), Ascher J. et al.
Taxonomic coverage: Animalia - Arthropoda - Insecta - Apodiea - Andrenidae, Apidae, Colletidae, Halictidae, Megachilidae, Melittidae, Stenotritidae
English name of the group: Bees
Number of species: 20,455
Number of infraspecific taxa: 662
Number of synonyms: 2,655
Number of common names: 64
Total number of names: 23,836
Abstract: Together with specialists around the world, ITIS has completed a checklist of the bee species of the world. The checklist (with some synonyms and subspecies) is integrated into the ITIS database. Project led by M Ruggiero (ITIS). Principal scientific contributors: JS Ascher (AMNH, USA), C Eardley (PPRI, South Africa), T Griswold (USDA, USA), G Melo (Federal University of Parana, Brazil), A Polaszek (NHM, UK), O Tadauchi (University of Kyushu, Japan), K Walker (Museum Victoria, Australia), N Warrit (NMNH, USA), and P Williams (NHM, UK). Principal technical contributors: D Nicolson (USGS, USA); J Pickering (Discover Life and University of Georgia, USA) and D Remsen (GBIF, Denmark).
Organization: The Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Website: http://www.itis.gov/beechecklist.html