5 literature references for Xistrella cliva Zheng, Z. & Liang, 1991:

Author: Deng, W.-A., Z. Zheng & S.-Z. Wei
Year: 2007
Source: Fauna of Tetrigoidea from Yunnan and Guangxi, Guangxi Science & Technology Press, Nanning, China 1-458
Author: Zheng, Z.
Year: 2005
Source: Fauna of the Tetrigoidea from Western China, Science Press, Beijing 1-501
Author: Liang & Z. Zheng
Year: 1998
Title: Orthoptera Tetrigoidea
Source: Fauna Sinica, Insecta 12:i-x, 1-278
Author: Jiang, G. & Z. Zheng
Year: 1998
Source: Grasshoppers and Locusts from Guangxi, Guangxi Normal University 390
Author: Zheng, Z. & Liang
Year: 1991
Title: A study of Chinese Xistrelia [Xistrella] Bolivar, with descriptions of 2 new species (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae)
Source: Wuyi Science J. 8:4-8