5 literature references for Pseudoparatettix macrophthalmus (Günther, K., 1935):

Author: Otte, D.
Year: 1997
Title: Orthoptera Species File 6 Tetrigoidea and Tridactyloidea (Orthoptera: Caelifera) and Addenda to OSF Vols. 1-5
Source: Orthoptera Species File, The Orthopterists' Society and The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia 6:1-261
Author: Blackith, R.E.
Year: 1992
Source: Tetrigidae (Insecta; Orthoptera) of Southeast Asia: Annotated catalogue with partial translated keys and bibliography, JAPAGA, Wicklow, Ireland i-liv, 1-248
Author: Günther, K.
Year: 1972
Title: Die Tetrigoidea (Orthoptera: Caelifera) von Sud-Malanesien
Source: Beitr. Zool. Inst. Frei. Univ. Berlin 18:251-292, 53 figs.
Author: Blackith, R.E.
Year: 1990
Title: Tetrigidae (Orthoptera) with partly exposed wings
Source: Insecta Mundi 4(1-4):87-92
Author: Günther, K.
Year: 1935
Title: Acridiinen (Orthopt. Acrid.) von den Salomon-Inseln.
Source: Zoologischer Anzeiger (Zool. Anz.) 111:199-204, 9 figs.