8 literature references for Pseudoepameibaphis glauca Gillette & Palmer, 1932:

Author: Remaudière, G. & M. Remaudière
Year: 1997
Source: Catalogue of the World’s Aphididae, INRA, Paris 473 pp
Author: Palmer
Year: 1952
Title: Aphids of the Rocky Mountain region
Source: The Thomas Say Foundation 5:452 pp.
Author: Gillette & Palmer
Year: 1932
Title: The Aphidae of Colorado. Part II
Source: Annals of the Entomological Society of America 25:369-496
Author: Knowlton
Year: 1935
Title: Aphid notes
Source: Canadian Entomologist 67:190-195
Author: Knowlton
Year: 1946
Title: Aphids from Mount Timpanogos, Utah Part 2
Source: Great Basin Naturalist 7(1-4):1-6
Author: Knowlton
Year: 1941
Title: Western aphid notes
Source: Entomological News 52:136-138
Author: Knowlton & C.F. Smith
Year: 1938
Title: The aphid genus Pseudoepameibaphis
Source: Journal of the New York Entomological Society 66:217-222
Author: Gillette & Palmer
Year: 1932
Title: Six new aphids from Colorado
Source: Annals of the Entomological Society of America 25(1):136-151