3 literature references for Sepiola dispar Rüppell, 1844:

Author: Hoyle, W. E.
Year: 1886
Title: Report on the Cephalopoda
Source: Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-76, Zoology, 16 (44)
Author: Rüppell, E.
Year: 1844
Title: Intorno ad alcuni cefalopodi del mare di Messina: lettera del Dr. Eduardo Ruppell di Frankfort sul Meno al Prof. Anastasio Cocco
Source: Giornale del Gabinetto Letterario di Messina, 5 (27-28)
Author: Schafer, W.
Year: 1938
Title: Die typen de von Ruppell 1844 beschriebenen Cephalopoden
Source: Senckenbergiana, 20 (1/2)