You selected Phyllodactylus anomalus PETERS 1867. This is a synonym for:

Accepted scientific name:
Heteronotia binoei GRAY 1845 (accepted name) 1 literature reference for Heteronotia binoei GRAY 1845
Diplodactylus annulatus MACLEAY 1877 (synonym)
Diplodactylus anomalus SCHMELTZ 1869 (synonym)
Discodactylus anomalus SCHMELTZ 1877 (synonym)
Eublepharis derbianus GRAY 1845 (synonym) 1 literature reference for Eublepharis derbianus GRAY 1845
Gymnodactylus binoei DUMÉRIL 1856 (synonym)
Heteronota binoei GRAY 1845 (synonym) 1 literature reference for Heteronota binoei GRAY 1845
Heteronota bynoei LUCAS 1896 (synonym)
Heteronota derbiana BOULENGER 1885 (synonym) 1 literature reference for Heteronota derbiana BOULENGER 1885
Heteronota derbyana STRAUCH 1887 (synonym) 1 literature reference for Heteronota derbyana STRAUCH 1887
Heteronotia annulata WELLS 1985 (synonym) 1 literature reference for Heteronotia annulata WELLS 1985
Heteronotia anomala WELLS 1985 (synonym) 1 literature reference for Heteronotia anomala WELLS 1985
Heteronotia derbiana WELLS 1985 (synonym) 1 literature reference for Heteronotia derbiana WELLS 1985
Heteronotia horneri WELLS 1985 (synonym) 1 literature reference for Heteronotia horneri WELLS 1985
Heteronotia wadei WELLS 1985 (synonym) 1 literature reference for Heteronotia wadei WELLS 1985
Hoplodactylus (pentadactylus) australis STEINDACHNER 1867 (synonym) 1 literature reference for Hoplodactylus (pentadactylus) australis STEINDACHNER 1867
Pentadactylus australis GRAY 1867 (synonym)
Phyllodactylus anomalus PETERS 1867 (synonym) 1 literature reference for Phyllodactylus anomalus PETERS 1867
Common names:
Common name Language Country
Prickly Gecko, Bynoe's Gecko - -
Phylum Chordata
Class Reptilia
Order Squamata
Family Gekkonidae
Genus Heteronotia
Distribution: Australia (New South Wales, North Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, West Australia) Terra typica: Rockhampton in Ostaustralien [Queensland] [Phyllodactylus anomalus PETERS 1867].
Additional data: Holotype: ZMB 5718 [Phyllodactylus anomalus PETERS 1867] Does not occur in the more humid regions of SW-West Australia and S-Victoria and adjacent South Australia and New South Wales. This "species" is (at least partly) parthenogenetic.
Source database: TIGR Reptiles, Oct 2007
Latest taxonomic scrutiny: Uetz P.,
Online resource:
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