You selected Rhampholeon (rhinodigitum) beraduccii MARIAUX 2006. This is a synonym for:

Accepted scientific name:
Rhampholeon beraduccii MARIAUX & TILBURY 2006 (accepted name) 1 literature reference for Rhampholeon beraduccii MARIAUX & TILBURY 2006
Rhampholeon (rhinodigitum) beraduccii MARIAUX 2006 (synonym) 1 literature reference for Rhampholeon (rhinodigitum) beraduccii MARIAUX 2006
Common names: -
Phylum Chordata
Class Reptilia
Order Squamata
Family Chamaeleonidae
Genus Rhampholeon
Distribution: Tanzania (Mahenge Mountains) Terra typica: Tanzania, Morogoro region, Mahenge Mountains, Sali FR [8°57'57.4'' S, 36°41'17.9'' E], elevation about 1000 m.
Additional data: Holotype: MHNG 2655.019 (field tag TZ 343), female, 9 October 2001. Collected by J. Mariaux & S. Loader. Etymology: The new species is named in honour of Joe Beraducci, Arusha, Tanzania, as an appreciation for his generous assistance and help provided to the authors and to numerous other scientists working in the Eastern Arc Range of Tanzania. Diagnosis. Chamaeleonidae, Rhampholeon (Rhinodigitum). With the characters of the subgenus. A tiny brown chameleon with snout–vent length (SVL) 20.5–28 mm, maximum total length (TL) 36 mm, and a very short tail, 19–22% of TL. The smallest known Rhampholeon. Head with a well-developed nasal process and short supra-optical peaks. Head flat with very slightly marked crests, temporal crest very weak. Dorsal keel weakly undulated. Body with sub-homogeneous granules, but conspicuous shoulder spine present. Deep axillary and inguinal pits present. Claws bicuspid with small accessory spines. Differential diagnosis. Rh. beraduccii can be differentiated from other members of the genus by its smaller size, small optical peaks and the shape of its rostral appendage. Furthermore, members of the similar uluguruensis group, including Rh. moyeri, do not show inguinal pits, which are clearly marked in Rh. beraduccii.
Source database: TIGR Reptiles, Oct 2007
Latest taxonomic scrutiny: Uetz P.,
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