Accepted scientific name:
Lineus gurjanovae Korotkevich, 1977 (accepted name) 2 literature references for Lineus gurjanovae Korotkevich, 1977
Synonyms: -
Common names: -
Phylum Nemertea
Class Anopla
Order Not assigned
Family Lineidae
Genus Lineus
Distribution: Arctic Ocean; European waters (ERMS scope)
Additional data: Synonymy: Lineus gurjanovae may be synonym to Lineus viridis , (Müller, 1774), but there still is uncertainty about the genus name of the first mentionned species
Source database: WoRMS Nemertea, Oct 2010
Latest taxonomic scrutiny: Gibson R., 18-Jul-2005
Online resource:
CoL taxon LSID: