Full name: MOST: Moss TROPICOS Database
Short name: MOST
Version: 1, Jul 2004
Release date: 2004-07-19
Authors/editors: Crosby M.R. (ed)
Taxonomic coverage: Plantae - Bryophyta
English name of the group: Mosses
Number of species: 13,365
Number of infraspecific taxa: 0
Number of synonyms: 0
Number of common names: 1,035
Total number of names: 14,400
Abstract: The World Checklist of Mosses (W3MOST) provides current information on bryophyte species from the TROPICOS MOST database compiled by the Index of Mosses project, at the Missouri Botanical Garden. This database extraction, unlike the Index of Mosses, includes taxonomic opinions of numerous authors. All the known species of mosses are included.
Organization: Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, USA
Website: http://www.mobot.org/mobot/tropicos/most/checklist.shtml