Literature references

2 literature references for Bembidion mandibulare Solier, 1849:

Author: SOLIER, Antoine J.J.
Year: 1849
Title: Orden III. Coleopteros [Pentamera, Heteromera I]. -
Source: pp. 105-380, 414-508, in: GAY, C. [ed.]: Historia fisica y política de Chile segun documentos adquiridos en esta republica. Zoología. Tomo Cuarto. 563 pp. (Paris, Santiago: C.GAY).
Author: MADDISON, David Robert
Year: 2012
Title: Phylogeny of Bembidion and related ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini: Bembidiina). -
Source: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 63 : 533-576. (Supplementary content figures S1-S7 and tables S1-S4).