Literature references

2 literature references for Bembidion arcuatum LeConte, 1878:

Author: LORENZ, Wolfgang M.T.
Year: 2005
Title: Nomina Carabidarum. A directory of the scientific names of ground beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera "Geadephaga": Trachypachidae and Carabidae incl. Paussinae, Cicindelinae, Rhysodinae). 2. Edition. -
Source: 993 pp. (Tutzing: W.LORENZ).
Author: LECONTE, John Lawrence
Year: 1878
Title: Descriptions of new species. - pp. 593-603, 606-626, in: HUBBARD, H.G. & SCHWARZ, E.A.: The Coleoptera of Michigan. -
Source: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 17 [1877-1878]: 593-669. (Philadelphia).