Gymnothorax tile (Hamilton, 1822) (accepted name) |
Gymnothorax polyuranodon (non Bleeker, 1853) (misapplied name)
Lycodontis tile (Hamilton, 1822) (synonym)
Muraena tile (Hamilton, 1822) (synonym)
Muraenophis tile Hamilton, 1822 (synonym)
Freshwater moray English Indian mud moray English Kultamureena Finnish Muréna sladkovodní Czech 蒂尔裸胸鳝 Mandarin Chinese 蒂爾裸胸鱔 Mandarin Chinese |
Bangladesh; Bay of Bengal; Hawaii (USA); India; Indian Ocean; Indian Ocean, Eastern; Indian Ocean, Western; Indonesia; Indonesian Sea; Indo-West Pacific: Andaman Islands to Philippines and Indonesia. Known from India and Hawaii (Ref. 45255).; Malaysia; Pacific Ocean; Pacific, Eastern Central; Pacific, Western Central; Philippines; Red Sea; South China Sea; Sri Lanka; Sulu-Celebes Sea
Author and date from Eschmeyer, Ref. 26282.
FishBase, Dec 2007
Data last modified by FishBase 19-Mar-2003