Full name: Solanaceae Source
Short name: Solanaceae Source
Version: 200811, Nov 2008
Release date: 2008-11-20
Authors/editors: Knapp S., Walley L., Bohs L., Nee M. & Spooner D. (eds)
Taxonomic coverage: Plantae - Tracheophyta - Magnoliopsida - Solanales - Solanaceae - Solanum
English name of the group: Nightshade genus
Number of species: 1,083
Number of infraspecific taxa: 17
Number of synonyms: 3,535
Number of common names: 965
Total number of names: 5,600
Abstract: Solanaceae Source is a database of names and descriptions of all taxa in the genus Solanum. The database is the result of the project “PBI Solanum – a worldwide treatment”, funded by the National Science Foundation under the Planetary Biodiversity Inventory program (award DEB-0316614), with some additional funding provided by the SYNTHESYS Project (http://www.synthesys.info/) which is financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP6 programme “Structuring the European Research Area”.
Organization: PBI Solanum project; University of Utah, United States Department of Agriculture, New York Botanical Garden, USA; Natural History Museum, London, UK
Website: http://www.solanaceaesource.org