Literature references

3 literature references for Rossia glaucopis Lovén, 1845:

Author: Dyntaxa
Year: 2013
Source: Swedish Taxonomic Database. Accessed at [15-01-2013].
Author: Morov A.R., Golikov A.V., Sabirov R.M., Lubin P.A., Rizvanov A.A. & Sugimoto M.
Year: 2011
Source: Taxonomic status of Rossia palpebrosa Owen, 1834 and R. glaucopis Loven, 1846 (Cephalopoda: Sepiolida) on molecular-genetic data [Abstract]. Journal of Shellfish Research 30(3): 1014.
Author: Adam, W.
Year: 1939
Source: Notes sur les Céphalopodes: 10. Sur quelques Céphalopodes de la mer d'Islande [Notes on the cephalopods: 10. On some Cephalopoda from the Islandic seas]. Bull. Mus. royal d'Hist. Nat. Belg./Med. Kon. Natuurhist. Mus. Belg. 15(16): 1-13