Source databases

The data in current edition of the Catalogue of Life have been provided by 151 databases. Most datasets include one or more global species database sectors (GSDs), i.e. datasets being developed to cover all of the world's species in a particular group of organisms. A few datasets provide regional information for groups not yet covered globally. The datasets result from collaboration and editing by many expert taxonomists, whose names are found in the datasets themselves. A brief summary is listed below giving: database short and full names; home page on the web; the author(s) or editor(s); organisation; the group for which data are provided, preceded by its higher classification; and the number of species and infraspecific taxa included in this checklist.

Database Qualifiers
In the Catalogue of Life we introduce "Database Qualifiers" which shown in the interface. Qualifiers give users a quick guide to the reliability of presented data. Qualifiers have been given by authors/editors of each database and appear on the Database Details page, and alongside, with the database name on each Species Details page. Qualifiers reflect data reliability in the Catalogue of Life only, and are not applicable to the original view of the database throught its own website. Qualifiers include:

• Geographic Coverage (values G for "Global" and R for "Regional")
• Taxonomic Completeness (values 1 - 100%)
• Checklist Confidence (values , see below for details)
- Caution! This data set does not contain well-scrutinised taxonomic checklist, and in parts may be a list of taxonomically unvetted names only. However, it is used temporarily by the Catalogue of Life to fill major gaps as only available source at the time. See database abstract for more details.
- Caution! This data set is a scrutinised taxonomic checklist, but it is incomplete and at an early stage of its development. See database abstract for more details.
- This is a well-scrutinised taxonomic checklist, but it is restricted to a subset of species by geography (regional database), or sector of biological discipline (e.g. thematic database in particular ecological area, conservation, quarantine, pest and disease control, medicine or molecular biology, etc). This data set was included in the Catalogue of Life to fill gaps at lower levels of the taxonomic classification (e.g. species, genera) as temporarily solution. See database abstract for more details.
- This is a nearly complete and fully scrutinised taxonomic checklist with a good quality of expertise at the current stage of its development.
- This is a complete and fully scrutinised taxonomic checklist for an entire taxon with a high quality of expertise and frequent updates, which covers nearly all known species diversity in the taxon worldwide.

Source database ascending English name of the group Species
3i Cicadellinae: 3i interactive keys and taxonomic databases, subfamily Cicadellinae UPDATED! Leafhoppers 2,151
3i Cicadoidea: 3i interactive keys and taxonomic databases, superfamily Cicadoidea NEW! Cicadas 3,054
3i Typhlocybinae: 3i interactive keys and taxonomic databases, subfamily Typhlocybinae UPDATED! Leafhoppers 4,788
AFD: Australian Faunal Directory (Pulmonata) Snails and slugs (some groups) 880
AnnonBase: Annonaceae GSD Custard apples 2,440
AphidSF: Aphid Species File UPDATED! Aphids and allied groups 5,477
BdelloideaBase: Bdellid & Cunaxid Databases Bdellid and cunaxid mites 665
BIOS: Bacteriology Insight Orienting System Bacteria, archaea 6,749
Brassicaceae species checklist and database Crucifers, mustard or cabbage family 3,778
CarabCat: Global database of ground beetles Ground beetles 37,406
Catalogue of Life China Various taxa from China 2,324
CCW: Catalogue of Craneflies of the World Craneflies 14,827
ChenoBase: Chenopodiaceae GSD Goosefoot family 2,010
ChiloBase: A World Catalogue of Centipedes (Chilopoda) for the web Centipedes 3,146
CilCat: The World Ciliate Catalog Ciliates 8,669
CIPA: Computer Aided Identification of Phlebotomine sandflies of Americas Phlebotomine sandflies 396
CockroachSF: Cockroach Species File UPDATED! Cockroaches 4,558
Conifer Database UPDATED! Conifers 615
COOL: Cercopoidea Organised On Line UPDATED! Froghoppers 2,589
CoreoideaSF: Coreoidea Species File UPDATED! Leatherbugs 3,089
DermapteraSF: Dermaptera Species File NEW! Earwigs 1,923
Dothideomycetes UPDATED! 5,651
Droseraceae Database Sundew family 180
ELPT: Early Land Plants Today - Uniting Taxonomy, Nomenclature & Geography (liverworts and hornworts) Hornworts and liverworts 824
EmbiopteraSF: Embioptera Species File UPDATED! Webspinners 404
ETI WBD: World Biodiversity Database (Euphausiacea) Krill 86
FADA Bivalvia: World checklist of freshwater Bivalvia species Bivalves 1,127
FADA Cladocera: World checklist of freshwater Cladocera species Water fleas 1,043
FADA Copepoda: World checklist of freshwater Copepoda species NEW! Copepods 703
FADA Ephemeroptera: World checklist of freshwater Ephemeroptera species Mayflies 3,341
FADA Halacaridae: World checklist of freshwater Halacaridae species Aquatic mites 59
FADA Nematomorpha: World checklist of freshwater Nematomorpha species Freshwater hairworms 356
FADA Rotifera: Annotated checklist of the rotifers (Phylum Rotifera) Rotifers 2,014
FADA Turbellaria: World checklist of freshwater Turbellaria species Planarians 1,449
FishBase UPDATED! Fishes 32,943
FLOW: Fulgoromorpha Lists On the WEB UPDATED! Planthoppers 12,510
GCC: Global Compositae Checklist UPDATED! Aster or sunflower family 32,285
Global Gracillariidae: Global Taxonomic Database of Gracillariidae Gracillariid moths 1,855
GloBIS (GART): Global Butterfly Information System Hairstreaks, blues, coppers, swallowtails and whites 8,001
Glomeromycota UPDATED! Glomeromycota 194
Hexacorals: Hexacorallians of the World Sea anemones 738
HymIS: Hymenoptera Information System Crabronids, spider-hunting and rhopalosomatid wasps 11,096
ICTV/MSL: International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses / Master Species List UPDATED! Viruses and subviral agents 2,876
ILDIS World Database of Legumes UPDATED! Legumes 20,686
IOPI Global Plant Checklist Cycads and 5 families of seed plants 2,146
ITIS Bees: World Bee Checklist Bees 20,446
ITIS Global: The Integrated Taxonomic Information System UPDATED! Wide range of global taxonomic checklists of different taxa 84,395
ITIS Regional: The Integrated Taxonomic Information System UPDATED! Wide range of taxa in all kingdoms 46,099
Lace Bugs Database (Hemiptera: Tingidae) Lace bugs 2,338
LDL Neuropterida Species of the World Lacewings, antlions, owlflies, fishflies, dobsonflies, snakeflies and relatives 6,424
LecyPages: The Lecythidaceae Pages Brazil nut family 311
LepIndex: The Global Lepidoptera Names Index Butterflies and moths 136,740
LHD: Lacistemataceae Holistic Database Waits Numi plant family 25
LIAS: A Global Information System for Lichenized and Non-Lichenized Ascomycetes Lichens 8,949
MantodeaSF: Mantodea Species File UPDATED! Praying mantids 2,495
MBB: Moss Bug Base Moss bugs 32
Microsporidia: Unicellular spore-forming protozoan parasites Microsporidians 1,104
Mites GSDs: OlogamasidBase Ologamasid mites 446
Mites GSDs: PhytoseiidBase Phytoseiid mites 2,186
Mites GSDs: RhodacaridBase Rhodacarid mites 145
Mites GSDs: TenuipalpidBase Tenuipalpid mites 887
MolluscaFW: World Checklist of Freshwater Mollusca Fresh water gastropods 3,765
MOST: Moss TROPICOS Database Mosses 13,364
MOWD: Membracoidea of the World Database Treehoppers and leafhoppers 15,387 An online nomenclatural information system of Eumycetozoa Slime moulds 1,111
NZIB: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity Various animalian taxa from New Zealand 2,883
Odonata: Global Species Database of Odonata Dragonflies and damselflies 5,912
OrthopteraSF: Orthoptera Species File UPDATED! Grasshoppers, locusts, katydids, crickets 26,700
Parhost: World Database of Fleas Fleas 2,047
PhasmidaSF: Phasmida Species File UPDATED! Stick and leaf insects 3,075
Phyllachorales UPDATED! Tropical tar-spot fungi 1,673
PlecopteraSF: Plecoptera Species File UPDATED! Stoneflies 3,762
PsocodeaSF: Psocodea Species File UPDATED! Bark lices & parasitic lices 5,995
Psyl'list: Psylloidea database UPDATED! Jumping plant lice 3,302
Rhytismatales UPDATED! Tar-spot fungi 712
RJB Geranium: Geranium Taxonomic Information System Cranesbills, geraniums 345
Saccharomycetes UPDATED! Ascomycetous yeast forming fungi 1,012
SalticidDB: Global Species Database of Salticidae (Araneae) Jumping spiders 5,601
SCaDs: Selected Caryophyllales databases 14 Caryophyllales families 2,382
ScaleNet: Systematic Database of the Scale Insects of the World Scale insects 7,090
Scarabs: World Scarabaeidae Database UPDATED! Scarab beetles 38,191
Solanaceae Source Nightshade genus 1,082
Species 2000 additional Common Names for the Catalogue of Life 0
Species Fungorum UPDATED! Fungi; protozoan fungi; chromistan fungi 108,432
SpidCat via ITIS: The World Spider Catalog UPDATED! Spiders 35,788
SpmWeb: Spider Mites Web Spider mites 1,265
Strepsiptera Database: Global Strepsiptera Database UPDATED! Twisted-winged parasites 607
SysMyr: Systematic Myriapod Database Diplopods, pauropods and symphylans 12,635
Systema Dipterorum Flies, mosquitoes, bots, midges and gnats 138,934
Taxapad Ichneumonoidea Ichneumonid and braconid wasps 42,370
Tessaratomidae Database: Illustrated catalog of Tessaratomidae Tessaratomids 240
The Reptile Database Reptiles 9,789
The White-Files: Taxonomic checklist of the world’s whiteflies (Insecta: Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) UPDATED! Whiteflies 1,557
TicksBase Ticks 867
Tineidae NHM: Global Taxonomic Database of Tineidae (Lepidoptera) Clothes-moths 2,443
TITAN: Cerambycidae database Longhorn beetles, timber beetles 33,140
Trichomycetes UPDATED! Fungi associated with Arthropods 339
UCD: Universal Chalcidoidea Database Chalcidoid wasps 19,847
URMO: UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms Many groups of marine invertebrates and chordates 6,483
WCSP: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families UPDATED! 114 families of seed plants 115,289
World Ferns: Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World UPDATED! Ferns and fern-allies 13,255
World Plants: Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World UPDATED! 274 families of flowering plants 129,459
WoRMS Acanthocephala: World List of Acanthocephala NEW! Acanthocephalans or spiny-headed worms 207
WoRMS Acoelomorpha: World list of Acoelomorpha NEW! 428
WoRMS Asteroidea: World Asteroidea database UPDATED! Starfish or sea stars 1,828
WoRMS Bochusacea: World List of Bochusacea UPDATED! 6
WoRMS Brachiopoda: World Brachiopoda database UPDATED! Lamp-shells 396
WoRMS Brachypoda: World List of Brachypoda UPDATED! Brachypods 12
WoRMS Brachyura: World List of marine Brachyura UPDATED! Crabs 7,034
WoRMS Bryozoa: World List of Bryozoa UPDATED! Bryozoans, moss animals 5,650
WoRMS Cephalochordata: World list of Cephalochordata NEW! Lancelets 30
WoRMS Cestoda: World List of Cestoda Tapeworms 1,583
WoRMS Chaetognatha: World list of Chaetognatha UPDATED! Arrow worms 131
WoRMS Cumacea: World Cumacea database UPDATED! Cumaceans or hooded shrimps 1,531
WoRMS Echinoidea: World Echinoidea Database UPDATED! Sea urchins 1,008
WoRMS Foraminifera: World Foraminifera Database NEW! Foraminifers 8,705
WoRMS Gastrotricha: World Gastrotricha Database UPDATED! Gastrotrichs or hairy backs 818
WoRMS Gnathostomulida: World list of Gnathostomulida UPDATED! Gnathostomulids or jaw worms 98
WoRMS Holothuroidea: World List of Holothuroidea UPDATED! Sea cucumbers 1,730
WoRMS Hydrozoa: World Hydrozoa database UPDATED! Hydroids 3,539
WoRMS Isopoda: World Marine, Freshwater and Terrestrial Isopod Crustaceans database UPDATED! Pillbugs, slaters and woodlice 10,260
WoRMS Kinorhyncha: World list of Kinorhyncha NEW! Mud dragons 186
WoRMS Leptostraca: World List of Leptostraca UPDATED! Leptostraca 53
WoRMS Merostomata: World list of Merostomata NEW! Horseshoe crabs 4
WoRMS Mollusca: World Marine Mollusca database Marine molluscs 35,028
WoRMS Monogenea: World list of Monogenea Monogenean flatworms 1,868
WoRMS Mystacocarida: World List of Mystacocarida UPDATED! Mystacocarids 13
WoRMS Myxozoa: World list of Myxozoa Myxozoans 194
WoRMS Nemertea: World Nemertea database UPDATED! Ribbon worms 1,252
WoRMS Octocorallia: World list of Octocorallia NEW! Soft corals, blue coral, sea pens and gorgonians 3,566
WoRMS Oligochaeta: World List of Marine Oligochaeta UPDATED! Earthworms, oligochaetes 912
WoRMS Ophiuroidea: World Ophiuroidea database UPDATED! Brittle stars and basket stars 2,075
WoRMS Orthonectida: World list of Orthonectida NEW! Orthonectids 25
WoRMS Phoronida: World Phoronida database UPDATED! Horseshoe worms 17
WoRMS Placozoa: World Placozoa Database UPDATED! Placozoans or pancake animals 1
WoRMS Polychaeta: World Polychaeta database UPDATED! Bristle worms 11,210
WoRMS Polycystina: World list of Polycystina (Radiolaria) UPDATED! Polycystines (radiolarian protists) 417
WoRMS Porifera: World Porifera database UPDATED! Sponges 8,596
WoRMS Priapulida: World list of Priapulida UPDATED! Priapulid worms or penis worms 19
WoRMS Proseriata-Kalyptorhynchia: World database of Proseriata and Kalyptorhynchia Freeliving flatworms 1,011
WoRMS Remipedia: World Remipedia Database UPDATED! Remipedes 24
WoRMS Rhombozoa: World list of Rhombozoa NEW! Rhombozoans 122
WoRMS Scaphopoda: World List of Scaphopoda UPDATED! Tusk shells 571
WoRMS Tanaidacea: World List of Tanaidacea UPDATED! Tanaids 1,303
WoRMS Tantulocarida: World List of Tantulocarida UPDATED! Tantulocaridans 36
WoRMS Thermosbaenacea: World List of Thermosbaenacea UPDATED! Hot-springs shrimps 35
WoRMS Trematoda: World list of Trematoda Flukes 1,785
WoRMS Xenoturbellida: World List of Xenoturbellida UPDATED! Xenoturbellids 2
WTaxa: Electronic Catalogue of Weevil names (Curculionoidea) Weevils 98,237
Xylariaceae: Home of the Xylariaceae UPDATED! Fungi associated with dead wood 2,197
ZOBODAT: Zoological-Botanical Database (Vespoidea) Vespid wasps 6,203
Zygomycetes UPDATED! Pin moulds and related fungi 1,027