Source datasets

Taxonomic communities contributing data to COL

Oedemera nobilis (Scopoli, 1763) - Photo CC By Donald Hobern

The data in the current version 2025-02-13 of the Catalogue of Life have been provided by the resources listed below.

Per data source the number of living and extinct species are indicated that contribute to the Catalogue of Life. These include all accepted and provisionally accepted species. Most datasets include one or more sectors that feed into COL and cover all of the world’s species in a particular group of organisms. These result from collaboration and editing by many expert taxonomists, whose names are found in the information for each dataset. A few datasets are listed as containing no species. These contribute to the higher classification for the Catalogue of Life.

Detailed statistics on species and other ranks can be found on the taxon pages, for example under biota. A detailed summary of sources and their changes to previous releases is available in Checklist Bank.

Source datasets: 0
DatasetsVersionTaxonomic scope
Living Species
Extinct Species

No Data