Synonyms and combinations
Desmodium heterophyllum (Willd.) DC.
Hedysarum heterophyllum Willd.
Meibomia heterophylla (Willd.) Kuntze
= Desmodium triflorum Wall. ex Wight & Arn. (unacceptable) (Ambiguous)
= Hedysarum reptans Roxb. (unacceptable) (Ambiguous)
Basionym of
Grona heterophylla (Willd.) H.Ohashi & K.Ohashi
Andaman Is. , Assam , Bangladesh , Borneo , Cambodia , Caroline Is. , China South-Central , China Southeast , Cook Is. , East Himalaya , Fiji , Hainan , Hawaii , India , Jawa , Madagascar , Malaya , Marianas , Myanmar , Nansei-shoto , Nepal , New Caledonia , New Guinea , Nicobar Is. , Ogasawara-shoto , Philippines , Queensland , Samoa , South China Sea , Sri Lanka , Sumatera , Taiwan , Thailand , Vietnam