= Hemitesia neumanni (Rothschild, 1908)
kingdom: Animalia >
phylum: Chordata >
subphylum: Vertebrata >
infraphylum: Gnathostomata >
parvphylum: Osteichthyes >
megaclass: Tetrapoda >
class: Aves >
order: Passeriformes >
family: Cettiidae >
genus: Urosphena Swinhoe, 1877 >
Alström, Per, Sebastian Höhna, Magnus Gelang, Per G. P. Ericson, and Urban Olsson. (2011). Non-monophyly and intricate morphological evolution within the avian family Cettiidae revealed by multilocus analysis of a taxonomically densely sampled dataset. BMC Evolutionary Biology, Vol. 11, No. 352.