Synonyms and combinations
= Dischistodus notophthalmus (Bleeker, 1853) (Ambiguous)
= Dischistodus notopthalmus (Bleeker, 1853) (Ambiguous)
= Pomacentrus suluensis Seale, 1910
= Pomacentrus melanotus Bleeker, 1858
= Pomacentrus notophthalmus Bleeker, 1853
kingdom: Animalia >
phylum: Chordata >
subphylum: Vertebrata >
infraphylum: Gnathostomata >
parvphylum: Osteichthyes >
order: Perciformes >
family: Pomacentridae >
genus: Dischistodus >
Western Pacific: southern Japan and the Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan, Philippines, Palau, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. Reported from Vanuatu (Ref. 13300).