= Rallus pectoralis Temminck, 1831
kingdom: Animalia >
phylum: Chordata >
subphylum: Vertebrata >
infraphylum: Gnathostomata >
parvphylum: Osteichthyes >
megaclass: Tetrapoda >
class: Aves >
order: Gruiformes >
family: Rallidae >
genus: Lewinia G. R. Gray, 1855 >
Australia , Southern Asia
Taylor, & Barry. (1988). Rails: A Guide to the Rails, Crakes, Gallinules and Coots of the World.
Dickinson, E. C., and J. V. Remsen Jr., eds. (2013). The Howard and Moore Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World, 4th Edition, Vol. 1 Non-Passerines.
Gill, Frank, & and Minturn Wright. (2006). Birds of the World: Recommended English Names.