Spilogona tundrica (Schnabl & Dziedzicki, 1911)
kingdom: Animalia >
phylum: Arthropoda >
class: Insecta >
order: Diptera >
family: Muscidae >
subfamily: Coenosiinae >
tribe: Limnophorini >
genus: Spilogona Schnabl, 1911 >
Schnabl, J. & Dziedzicki, H. (1911) Die Anthomyiden. Nova Acta Acad. Caesar. Leop. Carol. 95(2): 53-358, pls. 3-37. [1911.??.??].
Huckett, H.C. (1965) The Muscidae of Northern Canada, Alaska and Greenland (Diptera). Mem. ent. Soc. Can. 42, 369 pp. [1965.06.18].
Schnabl, J. (1915) Anthomyidae, pp. 2-51, 3 pls. In: Becker, T., Dziedzicki, H., Schnabl, J., and Villeneuve, J., Resultats scientifiques de l'expedition des freres Kuznecov (Kouznetzov) a l'Oural arctique en 1909, sous la direction de H. Backlund. Livr. 7. (Diptera). Zapiski Imperatorskoĭ Akademii Nauk. Fiziko–Matematicheskoe Otdeleniye (8) 28 (7): 1-67, 3 pls. [1915.02.??].