Synonyms and combinations
Dalbergia scandens Roxb.
Derris scandens (Roxb.) Benth. (Ambiguous)
Pterocarpus scandens (Roxb.) Kuntze (unacceptable)
Solori scandens (Roxb.) Sirich. & Adema
= Brachypterum timorense (DC.) Benth.
Dalbergia timoriensis DC.
Deguelia timoriensis (DC.) Taub.
Derris timorensis (DC.) Pittier
= Dalbergia robusta Miq. ex Benth. (Ambiguous)
= Dalbergia venusta Zipp. ex Span.
= Derris scandens var. saharanpurensis (Thoth.) Thoth.
Derris timorensis var. saharanpurensis Thoth.
Solori scandens var. saharanpurensis (Thoth.) Kottaim.
= Derris scandens var. shanicus Thoth.
= Derris scandens var. toppinii Thoth.
= Galedupa frutescens Blanco
= Millettia litoralis Dunn
= Pongamia coriacea Graham
Basionym of
Brachypterum scandens (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. ex Miq.
Andaman Is. , Assam , Bangladesh , Borneo , Cambodia , China South-Central , India , Jawa , Laos , Lesser Sunda Is. , Malaya , Maluku , Mauritius , Myanmar , Nepal , New Guinea , New South Wales , Nicobar Is. , Pakistan , Philippines , Queensland , Réunion , Sri Lanka , Sulawesi , Sumatera , Thailand , Vietnam , West Himalaya