≡ Hopkinsina atlantica var. pacifica Cushman, 1933
Hopkinsina atlantica var. pacifica Cushman, 1933
kingdom: Chromista >
phylum: Foraminifera d'Orbigny, 1826 >
subclass: Rotaliana Mikhalevich, 1980 >
order: Rotaliida Lankester, 1885 >
superfamily: Turrilinoidea Cushman, 1927 >
family: Stainforthiidae Reiss, 1963 >
genus: Hopkinsina Howe & Wallace, 1932 >
, mrgid:19050
, mrgid:63487
, mrgid:21931
, mrgid:8448
, mrgid:23552
, mrgid:7130
, mrgid:22011 , mrgid:4288 , mrgid:8487
, mrgid:1905
, mrgid:3315
, mrgid:8486
, mrgid:8555
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