= Maylandia crabro (Ribbink & Lewis, 1982)
kingdom: Animalia >
phylum: Chordata >
subphylum: Vertebrata >
infraphylum: Gnathostomata >
parvphylum: Osteichthyes >
class: Actinopterygii >
order: Perciformes >
family: Cichlidae >
genus: Pseudotropheus >
Africa: Endemic to Lake Malawi. Occurs in Eccles Reef, West Reef, Chinyankwazi, Chiyamwezi, Maleri, Mbenji, Likoma and Chisumulu Islands, Nkata Bay.
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Maréchal, C. Pseudotropheus. p. 401-415. In J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse, G.G. Teugels and D.F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB, Brussels; MRAC, Tervuren; and ORSTOM, Paris. Vol. 4. (1991).
Nsiku, E. Changes in the fisheries of Lake Malawi, 1976-1996: ecosystem-based analysis. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 217 p. M.Sc. thesis. (1999).
Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.). Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. (1999).