
This name once existed but has been removed

Ophiura fasciculata Forbes, 1854

COL Identifier
First issued in release COL20.12. Last used in release COL23.9
Published in
Forbes, E. (1852). Notes on animals of the class Echinodermata collected by Dr. Sutherland in Assistance Bay. In Sutherland, P.C. Journal of a voyage in Baffin’s Bay and Barrow Straits in the years 1850-1851 performed by KM. Ships ‘Lady Franklin’and ’Sophia. II: appendix ccxiv–ccxvi.
Checklist status
Synonym Species
Species: Ophiura robusta >
Genus: Ophiura >
Subfamily: Ophiurinae >
Family: Ophiuridae >
Suborder: Ophiurina >
Order: Ophiurida >
Superorder: Euryophiurida >
Infraclass: Metophiurida >
Subclass: Myophiuroida >
Class: Ophiuroidea >
Subphylum: Asterozoa >
Phylum: Echinodermata >
Kingdom: Animalia >
Unranked: Biota >