Ammosphaeroidina pseudopauciloculata (Myatlyuk, 1966)
kingdom: Chromista >
phylum: Foraminifera d'Orbigny, 1826 >
subclass: Textulariana Mikhalevich, 1980 >
order: Lituolida Lankester, 1885 >
suborder: Lituolina Lankester, 1885 >
superfamily: Recurvoidoidea Alekseychik-Mitskevich, 1973 >
family: Ammosphaeroidinidae Cushman, 1927 >
genus: Ammosphaeroidina Cushman, 1910 >
Myatlyuk, & V, E. (1970). Фораминиферы флишевых отложений Восточных Карпат (мел-палеоген) - Foraminifera of the flysch deposits of the eastern Carpathians (Cretaceous-Paleogene). Proceedings of the Oil Research Geological Institute (ВНИГРИ-VNIGRI), 282: 1–225.
Beckmann, J. P. (1994). Beckmann, J. P. 1994. Late Albian to Early Eocene. In: Bolli, H.M.; Beckmann, J.P.; Saunders, J.B. (Editors), Benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the south Caribbean Region, pp 47-228. Cambridge University Press.
Myatlyuk, E. V. (1966). К вопросу о фораминиферах с кремневым скелетом - On the question of foraminifera with a siliceous skeleton. Академия наук СССР Вопросы микропалеонтологии - Academy of Sciences USSR Questions of Micropaleontology, 10: 255–269.