
This name once existed but has been removed

Pseudoendothyra carinata Postoyalko, 1975

COL Identifier
First issued in release COL21.4. Last used in release COL23.9
Published in
Postoyalko, M. V. (1975). Сферические Eostaffella и Pseudoendothyra в разрезе нижнего карбона Среднего Урала - Spherical species of Eostaffella and Pseudoendothyra in the section of the Lower Carboniferous in the Central Urals. Каменноугольные отложения на Урале, Свердловск - Coal Deposits in the Urals, Sverdlovsk (Тр. ИГГ унц Ан СССР - Trudy Instituta Geologii I Geokhimii Akademiya Nauk SSSR Ural’skii Nauchnyi Tsentr), 121: 68–84.
Checklist status
ProvisionallyAccepted Species
Genus: Pseudoendothyra >
Family: Pseudoendothyridae >
Superfamily: Staffelloidea >
Order: Fusulinida >
Subclass: Fusulinana >
Class: Fusulinata >
Phylum: Foraminifera >
Kingdom: Chromista >
Unranked: Biota >