
This name once existed but has been removed

Triloculina inflata var. maeotica Didkovskiy, 1961

COL Identifier
First issued in release COL21.4. Last used in release COL23.9
Published in
Didkovskiy, V. Y. (1961). Мiлiолiди неогенових вiдкладiв південно-західної частини Російської платформи: Том I. Роди Quinqueloculina та Triloculina - Miliolids from the Neogene deposits of the southwestern part of the Russian platform. Иэд. Академії наук української РСР - Publication of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, 1–122.
Checklist status
Accepted Variety
Species: Triloculina inflata >
Genus: Triloculina >
Subfamily: Miliolinellinae >
Family: Hauerinidae >
Superfamily: Milioloidea >
Suborder: Miliolina >
Order: Miliolida >
Class: Tubothalamea >
Phylum: Foraminifera >
Kingdom: Chromista >
Unranked: Biota >