≡ Chromatoiulus sjaelandicus (Meinert, 1868)
= Brachyiulus wolterstoffi (Jawlowski, 1927)
Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) sjaelandicum (Meinert, 1868)
kingdom: Animalia >
phylum: Arthropoda >
subclass: Chilognatha Latreille, 1802/1803 >
infraclass: Helminthomorpha Pocock, 1887 >
subterclass: Eugnatha Attems, 1898 >
superorder: Juliformia Attems, 1926 >
order: Julida Brandt, 1833 >
superfamily: Juloidea Leach, 1814 >
family: Julidae Leach, 1814 >
subfamily: Julinae Leach, 1814 >
tribe: Brachyiulini Verhoeff, 1909 >
genus: Megaphyllum Verhoeff, 1894 >
subgenus: Megaphyllum (Megaphyllum) Verhoeff, 1894 >
, mrgid:2101
, mrgid:2106
, mrgid:2106
, mrgid:2110
, mrgid:2132
, mrgid:2141
, mrgid:2156
, mrgid:2157
, mrgid:2157
, mrgid:2180
, mrgid:2180
, mrgid:2196
, mrgid:2240
, mrgid:2244
Schubart, O. (1934). Tausendfüßler oder Myriapoda. I: Diplopoda. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands Und Der Angrenzenden Meeresteile, 28: 1–318. Jena. https://www.millibase.org/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=243093
Meinert, F. V. A. (1868). Danmarks chilognather. Naturhistorisk Tidskrift, 3. Raekke, 5: 1–32. Kjöbenhavn. https://www.millibase.org/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=245479
Lazányi, E., & Vagalinski, B. (2013). Redefinition of the millipede subgenus Megaphyllum sensu stricto Verhoeff, 1894 and neotype designation for Megaphyllum austriacum (Latzel, 1884) (Myriapoda: Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae). Zootaxa, 3741(1): 55. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3741.1.2
Reip, H. S., Decker, P., Voigtländer, K., Lindner, E. N., Hannig, K., & Spelda, J. (2012). Seltene Myriapoden Deutschlands (Diplopoda, Chilopoda). Schubartiana, 5: 49–112. https://www.millibase.org/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=278919
Andersson, G., Meidell, B. A., Scheller, U.; Winquist, J.-Å, Osterkamp Madsen, M.; Djursvol, P.; Budd, G.; Gärdenfors, U. (2005). Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges flora och fauna. Mångfotingar. Myriapoda. Artdatabanken, SLU, Uppsala. https://www.millibase.org/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=130380
Verhoeff, K. W. (1904). Über einige Diplopoden aus Westpreußen. Schriften Der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig, 11(1–2): 218–222. https://www.millibase.org/aphia.php?p=sourcedetails&id=243709