Spongovostox nigroflavidus (Rehn, 1905)
kingdom: Animalia >
phylum: Arthropoda >
class: Insecta >
order: Dermaptera de Geer, 1773 >
suborder: Neodermaptera >
infraorder: Epidermaptera >
parvorder: Eteodermaptera Engel, 2003 >
nanorder: Eudermaptera Verhoeff, 1902 >
superfamily: Forficuloidea Latreille, 1810 >
family: Spongiphoridae Verhoeff, 1902 >
subfamily: Spongiphorinae Verhoeff, 1902 >
genus: Spongovostox Burr, 1911 >
Burr, M. (1911) Vorläufige Revision der Labiiden. Deutsche Entomologische National-Bibliothek, 2(8), 58–65.
Rehn, J. (1905) Notes on Exotic Forficulids or Earwigs, with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 29, 501–515. Available at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/53438#page/545/