The 2009 Annual Checklist contains contributions
from 66 databases with information on 1,160,711species and 75,772 infraspecific
taxa, and also includes 763,776 synonyms and
469,891 common names covering the following
• Viruses and Subviral
agents from ICTV/MSL.
from BIOS •
Blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) from AlgaeBase.
• Chromistan fungi from
Fungorum • Chromistan algae from AlgaeBase.
• Major groups from ITIS
and AlgaeBase
• Protozoan fungi from Species
Fungorum and Trichomycetes
database • Slime moulds from
• Various taxa in
whole or in part from CABI Bioscience databases (Species
Fungorum, Phyllachorales,
and Zygomycetes
databases) and from three other databases covering Xylariaceae,
and Trichomycetes
• Mosses from MOST
• Conifers from Conifer
Database • Cycads and 6 flowering plant families from IOPI-GPC
and 94 families from World
Checklist of Selected Plant Families • Plus individual groups: Custard Apple family (AnnonBase) , Brazil Nut family (LecyPages), Sundew family (Droseraceae Database NEW!),
Waits Numi family (LHD NEW!),
Legumes (ILDIS), Cranesbills (RJB
Geranium) and Nightshade genus (Solanaceae Source NEW!)
• Sponges from WoRMS Porifera • Marine invertebrates
(12 phyla & 10 classes ) and chordates (4 classes) from URMO
• Sea anemones from the
of the World • Rotifers from Rotifera
database • Entoprocts, cycliophorans, velvet worms, water bears from ITIS • Shrimps, krill, cumaceans NEW! from ITIS, ETI WBD (Euphausiacea), WoRMS • Spiders, scorpions, ticks & mites from SpidCat, ITIS, TicksBase, & Mites GSDs • Diplopods, centipedes, pauropods and symphylans from SysMyr and ChiloBase • Dragonflies and damselflies from the Odonata database • Stoneflies from PlecopteraSF NEW! • Cockroaches from BSF • Praying mantids from MSF NEW! • Stick and leaf insects from PSF • Grasshoppers, locusts, katydids and crickets
from OSF • Some groups of true bugs from ScaleNet, FLOW, COOL, Psyllist NEW! & ASF NEW! • Lacewings, antlions, owlflies, fishflies, dobsonflies & snakeflies from LDL Neuropterida NEW! • Some beetle groups from the Scarabs Database, TITAN, WTaxa & ITIS • Fleas from Parhost • Flies, mosquitoes, bots, midges and gnats from BDWD, CCW & CIPA • Butterflies and moths from LepIndex, GloBIS (GART), Tineidae NHM, World Gracillariidae •
Bees NEW! and wasps from ITIS, UCD and ZOBODAT • Snails and slugs from AFD
• Horseshoe worms, lamp-shells, brittle and basket stars from WoRMS NEW!
• Fishes from FishBase • Reptiles from TIGR Reptiles • Amphibians, birds and mammals from ITIS.
additional species of many groups
from ITIS.
of the Annual Checklist The goal is to list every distinct species
in each group of organisms. At present, some groups are globally complete,
some are represented by global sectors that are nearing completion, and
others are represented by partial sectors. The global sectors, whether complete
or not, are provided by selected, peer reviewed global species databases
(GSDs - see definition below) in the Species 2000 federation or by equivalent
global sectors of ITIS. The partial sectors are supplied principally by
ITIS (N America), but also Species Fungorum and the Australian Faunal Directory,
with the result that N American species are sometimes the only species represented
for these incomplete groups.
Definition of a Global Species Database (GSD) GSDs aspire
to the following properties: • Cover one taxon worldwide
• Contain a taxonomic checklist of all species within
that taxon • Deal with species as taxa, and contain synonymy
and taxonomic opinion • Have an explicit mechanism for
seeking at least one responsible/consensus taxonomy, and for applying it
consistently • Cross-index significant alternative taxonomies
in their synonymy | |
Each species is linked via the genus and family to the taxonomic classification. Above the node of attachment of each data sector this classification has been agreed by Species 2000 and ITIS as a practical management tool to provide access to the Catalogue, the Catalogue of Life Taxonomic Classification Edition 1. This top level classification has remained unchanged in 2005-2009. However, below the nodes of attachment for each taxonomic sector, the classification originates from the supplier databases and so may change from year to year. Because of these lower level changes there are therefore annual versions of Edition 1 for 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. Please also read the draft discussion document "Towards a management hierarchy (classification) for the Catalogue of Life" by Dennis Gordon appended to this edition of the Annual Checklist.
The Catalogue of Life Standard Dataset (1) Accepted scientific
name (and reference) (2) Synonyms (and references) (3) Common
names (and references) (4) Latest taxonomic scrutiny (name of person
and date) (5) Source database (6) Additional data (optional)
(7) Family to which species belongs (8) Classification above family,
and highest taxon in database (9) Distribution (10) Reference(s)
(11) LSID
| | More detailed
information about the Standard Dataset is available on the Species 2000
website (
species is linked via the genus and family to the taxonomic classification.
Above the node of attachment of each data sector this classification has
been agreed by Species 2000 and ITIS as a practical management tool to provide
access to the Catalogue, the Catalogue of Life Taxonomic Classification Edition 1. This top level classification has remained unchanged
in 2005-2009. However, below the node of attachment the classification
originates from the supplier databases and so may change from year to year. Because of this lower level changes there are therefore annual versions of Edition 1 for 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009.
available from the suppliers, infraspecific taxa such as subspecies and
varieties have also been included but this coverage is variable between
taxonomic sectors. Where possible, a web link back to the supplier's
own database is provided at the bottom of each species detail page.
CoL Taxon Identifiers (Taxon LSIDs)
The Catalogue of Life programme started to issue permanent CoL Taxon Identifiers in the 2008 Annual Checklist. Every taxon recognised in the Catalogue, including species and higher taxa, is given a globally unique identifier (GUID) using the Life Science Identifier (LSID) system (
Where a taxon record remains unchanged in this 2009 edition, it carries the same LSID as in 2008, except that the revision part changes from ac2008 to ac2009. New or changed taxa in the 2009 edition receive completely new LSIDs. This will enable the introduction in the next few years of change tracking between editions, so that relationships to taxa in previous editions are recorded, and web-services to alert users to changes in name, classification, circumscription or data. Technical users are already able to inspect changes in the metadata provided by the CoL LSID Resolution Service, and to build their own services using them. For more information, see LSIDs in the 2009 Annual Checklist have been generated by Richard White, Cardiff University, UK.
Our LSIDs are long strings of symbols intended only for computer usage. However, the user interface does show LSID buttons (click, and the LSID is displayed in full), and the LSID is shown at the base of each Species Details screen. This is done so that a user can copy and paste the LSIDs into other software or services: it is NOT intended for them to be read or typed.
Functionality of the Annual Checklist •
Species (and infraspecific taxa) can be located either by searching by name
or by tracking down through the hierarchical classification. •
Searching by name can be done using accepted scientific name, synonym or
common name. Automatic synonymic and common name indexing takes the user
directly to the species under its accepted name. The search can use part
names, or be restricted to complete words. • Tracking down the
tree or classification uses accepted names for taxa. • On each species details page the relevant higher taxa are listed, and provide a link to the relevant node of the hierarchical classification. • The species details pages link to the source database, usually showing further information. This CD contains the Annual Checklist dataset and the software identical to that used on the Web. The structure
of the Annual Checklist database has been optimised for performance with
the user interface but is not ideal for importing to other systems. The
content may be copied subject to the copyright conditions given on the inside
cover of this booklet. The 2009 Annual
Checklist Editors The Catalogue of Life programme combines the outputs
of the Species 2000 programme (led by Frank Bisby from Reading, UK) and
the ITIS programme (led by Thomas Orrell from Washington, USA). Assembly
and publication of the Annual Checklist is managed by Yuri Roskov in Reading
working with colleagues around the world: • Frank Bisby, Species
2000 Executive Director and Team member, at the Species 2000 Secretariat,
Reading, UK. • Yuri Roskov, Executive Editor
at the Species 2000 Secretariat, Reading,
UK. • Thomas Orrell,
Acting Director, ITIS at the ITIS Secretariat, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA.
• David Nicolson,
ITIS Data Development Leader, USGS/Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA.
• Luvie Paglinawan, Annual Checklist Dataset
Compiler, at the Species 2000 Philippines Office, WorldFish Center, Los-Baños,
• Nicolas Bailly,
Taxonomic Editorial Advisor for Marine sectors
and Species 2000 Philippines Office Manager at the WorldFish Center, Los-Baños,
• Paul Kirk,
Taxonomic Editorial Advisor
for Fungi and Chromista sectors at CABI, Egham, UK.
• Thierry Bourgoin,
Taxonomic Editorial Advisor for Insects
at the Museum National d�Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
• Guy Baillargeon , Taxonomic Editorial Advisor for Plants at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.