Bates's sabretooth anchovy English 貝氏狼鯷 Mandarin Chinese 贝氏狼鳀 Mandarin Chinese Anchoa tigre Spanish Anchois Creole, French, French Anchois-tigre French Anchovy English Anchwa Creole, French Arenque Creole, Portuguese, Portuguese, Spanish Bate's sabertooth anchovy English Bates' sabretooth anchovy English Cachorro Creole, Portuguese, Portuguese, Spanish Krafana Sranan Maiaca Portuguese Makélélou Creole, French, Galibi Manjuba Portuguese Peixe-cachorro Portuguese Sadine Creole, French, Palicur Sardel batesova Czech Sardina Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, English, Hebrew, Icelandic, Italian, Maltese, Rumanian, Russian, Spanish Sardinha Creole, Portuguese, Portuguese, Spanish Sardinha-dogato Portuguese Sardinita Spanish Zaran Creole, French Zhareng Creole, French |
Venezuela; Trinidad and Tobago; Suriname; South America: drainage (Orinoco, as far up as the Rio Manacacias in Colombia, rivers of the Guianas, and Amazon at least as far up as Teffe and the Jutahi River - if specimens were identified correctly - and even as far up as the Ucayali, Huallaga and M; Peru; Pará-Tocantins; Orinoco; Neotropical; Guyana; French Guiana; Colombia; Brazil; Atlantic, Western Central; America, South - Inland waters