You selected Engraulis atherinoides (Linnaeus, 1766). This is a synonym for:
Pterengraulis atherinoides (Linnaeus, 1766) (accepted name) |
Clupea atherinoides Linnaeus, 1766 (synonym)
Engraulis atherinoides (Linnaeus, 1766) (synonym)
翼鯷 Mandarin Chinese 翼鳀 Mandarin Chinese Anchoa aletona Spanish Anchois grande aile French Anchovy English Hareng gras French Krafana Sranan Makélélou Creole, French, Galibi Sardel gavúnovitá Czech Sardina Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, English, Hebrew, Icelandic, Italian, Maltese, Rumanian, Russian, Spanish Sardinha Creole, Portuguese, Portuguese, Spanish Sardinha de gato Portuguese Wingfin anchovy English Zaran-gra Creole, French |
Western Central and South Atlantic coasts and drainage (Orinoco delta, the Guianas, south to Ceará, Brazil).; Venezuela; Trinidad and Tobago; Suriname; Pará-Tocantins; Neotropical; Guyana; French Guiana; Brazil; America, South - Inland waters; America, North - Inland waters
FishBase, Dec 2008
Data last modified by FishBase 10-Jul-1994
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