Thryssa encrasicholoides (Bleeker, 1852) (accepted name) |
Anchoa duodecim (Cope, 1867) (synonym)
Engraulis baelama (non Forsskål, 1775) (misapplied name)
Engraulis duodecim Cope, 1867 (synonym)
Engraulis encrasicholoides Bleeker, 1852 (synonym)
Engraulis encrasicholoides Bleeker, 1852 (ambiguous synonym)
Thrissina baelama (non Forsskål, 1775) (misapplied name)
Thrissina encrasicholoides (Bleeker, 1852) (synonym)
Thrissocles baelama (non Forsskål, 1775) (misapplied name)
Thryssa baelama (non Forsskål, 1775) (misapplied name)
印尼棱鯷 Mandarin Chinese 印度尼西亚棱鳀 Mandarin Chinese 新泽西小鳀 Mandarin Chinese 新澤西小鯷 Mandarin Chinese Anchovy English False baelama anchovy English New jersey anchovy English Sardel batávská Czech |
Philippines; South China Sea; Sri Lanka; Papua New Guinea; Pacific, Western Central; Pacific Ocean; Northeast Australian Shelf; North Australian Shelf; Indo-Pacific: Indian Ocean (Sri Lanka and India) and western Pacific (Java, Sulawesi, Timor, Ambon, the Philippines and northern Queensland). Presumably more widespread in the Indian Ocean, but not previously separated from Thryssa baelama.; Indonesian Sea; Indonesia; Indian Ocean, Western; Indian Ocean, Eastern; Indian Ocean; India; East Timor; Brunei Darussalam; Australia
FishBase, Dec 2008
Data last modified by FishBase 12-Jul-1994