Alestes baremoze (Joannis, 1835) (accepted name) |
Alestes baremose (Joannis, 1835) (synonym)
Alestes baremoze subsp. tchadense Blache, 1964 (synonym)
Alestes kotschyi Heckel, 1847 (synonym)
Alestes splendens Werner, 1906 (synonym)
Alestes wytsi Steindachner, 1870 (synonym)
Cyprinus dentex (non Linnaeus, 1758) (misapplied name)
Myletes baremoze Joannis, 1835 (synonym)
Myletes hasselquisti (non Cuvier, 1818) (misapplied name)
Salmo dentex (non Hasselquist, 1762) (misapplied name)
Salmo niloticus (non Hasselquist, 1762) (misapplied name)
Hohtoalesti Finnish Juse Other Kawara baladi Arabic Kaya Creole, French, Japanese, Kanuri Kodo Other, Shilluk Konguy Krio Lang ager Dinka, Northeastern Lelete Other Mazari Hausa Nyadiaar Dinka, Northeastern Nyele El Molo Oza Ijo Péré French, Numee Saara Soninké Sèlinthe Wolof Shemani Hausa Siikatetra Finnish Silversides English Tewe Adangme, Ga Vaï Fijian, Kim Van Kim Vore Kim A-gbantan Krio Alerio Dinka, Northeastern Arefe Yoruba Asenti Ewe Asentiwoe Ewe Ba-borah Krio Basongirino Zande Characin English Cien Nuer Cin Dinka, Northeastern Delete Other Dorobela Turkana Egbagi Kanuri, Nupe Egyptian robber English Giccal Fulfulde, Pulaar Girfiga Other |
Volta; Uganda; Sudan; Sierra Leone; Mauritania; Niger; Nigeria; Nile; Sassandra River; Senegal; Lake Turkana; Lake Chad/Chari River; Kenya; Guinea-Bissau; Ghana; Géba; Gambia; Ethiopian; Ethiopia; Egypt; Côte d'Ivoire; Corubal; Congo, Dem. Rep. of the; Comoé River; Chad; Cameroon; Burkina Faso; Benue River; Bandama River; Africa-Inland Waters; Africa: Gambia, Senegal, Niger, the coastal basins of the Côte d'Ivoire (Comoé, Bandama and Sassandra), Volta, Chad basin, Nile, Lake Albert and Lake Turkana. Three forms exists: (Alestes baremoze soudaniensis) West African inland, (Alestes b
FishBase, Dec 2008
Data last modified by FishBase 05-Mar-1999