Pellonula vorax Günther, 1868 (accepted name) |
Pellonula modesta (non Fischer, 1885) (misapplied name)
Pellonula stanleyana Regan, 1917 (synonym)
大齒寬頜鯡 Mandarin Chinese 大齿宽颌鲱 Mandarin Chinese Amoni Ewe Bigtoothed pellonula English Gbodo Other Honoumassaè Fon GBE Isoun Ijo Njasaan Wolof Ntita Igbo Pellonale French Pelonula žravá Czech Salanpore Yoruba Samba amul kawar Wolof Sardine Arabic, Creole, French, Dutch, English, French, German Sprat English, French Stortandet pellonula-sild Danish Taga rana Hausa Worongi Hausa, Igbo |
Togo; Sanaga; Ouémé River; Nigeria; Niger; Loffa; Guinea-Bissau; Liberia; Géba; Gabon; Ethiopian; Equatorial Guinea; Cross River; Côte d'Ivoire; Congo, Republic of; Congo, Dem. Rep. of the; Comoé River; Cameroon; Benin; Agnébi; Angola; Africa-Inland Waters; Africa: in rivers from Liberia to Angola.
Also Ref. 2244.
FishBase, Dec 2008
Data last modified by FishBase 23-Jul-1994