Africa: Inter-tropical but absent in the Gambia basin. Senegal, Niger, Chad, Volta and basins from Sierra Leone to Cameroon; Sudan border, upper Nile, Albert Nile and Murchison Nile, Lake Albert, Victoria, Omo and Lake Turkana, Congo basin (Ref. 5331).; Africa-Inland Waters; Agnébi; Algeria; Angola; Bandama River; Benin; Benue River; Bia River; Botswana; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cameroon; Cavally River; Central African Republic; Chad; Comoé River; Congo, Dem. Rep. of the; Congo, Republic of; Corubal; Côte d'Ivoire; Cross River; Ébrié Lagoon; Egypt; Ethiopia; Ethiopian; Fatala; Gabon; Géba; Ghana; Great Scarcies; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Kainji Lake; Kenya; Kogon; Konkouré; Lake Chad/Chari River; Lake Turkana; Lake Victoria; Liberia; Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; Little Scarcies; Loffa; Mali; Mano River; Mauritania; Moa; Mono River; Mozambique; Niger; Nigeria; Nile; Nipoué; Ogun; Ouémé River; Pra River; Rokel River; Rwanda; Saint John; Saint Paul; Sanaga; Sassandra River; Senegal; Sewa River; Sierra Leone; Somalia; Sudan; Tano; Tanzania, United Rep. of; Togo; Uganda; Volta; Zaïre; Zambia; Zimbabwe