The data in the 2012 Annual Checklist have
been provided by 115 databases.
Of these 14 are new to this edition and 44 have been updated over the past year (three databases have been updated twice during the annual cycle).
Most datasets include one or more global
species database sectors (GSDs), i.e. datasets being developed to cover
all of the world's species in a particular group of organisms. A few
datasets provide regional information for groups not yet covered
globally. The datasets result from collaboration and editing by many
expert taxonomists, whose names are found in the datasets themselves. A
brief summary is listed below giving: database short and full names;
home page on the web; the author(s) or editor(s); organisation; the
group for which data are provided, preceded by its higher
classification; and the number of species and infraspecific taxa
included in this checklist.
Dataset Qualifiers
In this edition of the Catalogue of Life we introduce "Dataset Qualifiers" which shown in the interface. Qualifiers give users a quick guide to the reliability of presented data. Qualifiers have been given by authors/editors of each database and appear on the Database Details page, and alongside, with the database name on each Species Details page. Qualifiers reflect data reliability in the Catalogue of Life only, and are not applicable to the original view of the database throught its own website. Qualifiers include:
• Geographical Coverage (values G for "Global" and R for "Regional")
• Dataset Completeness (values 1 - 100%)
• Checklist Confidence (values


, see below for details)
Source database
English name of the group
Pin moulds and related fungi |
786 |
ZOBODAT: Zoological-Botanical Database (Vespoidea)
Vespid wasps |
6,207 |
Xylariaceae: Home of the Xylariaceae
Fungi associated with dead wood |
308 |
WTaxa: Electronic Catalogue of Weevil names (Curculionoidea)
98,263 |
WoRMS Xenoturbellida
Xenoturbellids |
2 |
WoRMS Thermosbaenacea: World List of Thermosbaenacea
Hot-springs shrimps |
35 |
WoRMS Tantulocarida: World List of Tantulocarida
Tantulocaridans |
35 |
WoRMS Tanaidacea: World List of Tanaidacea
Tanaids |
1,114 |
WoRMS Scaphopoda: World List of Scaphopoda
Tusk shells |
574 |
WoRMS Remipedia: World Remipedia Database
Remipedes |
24 |
WoRMS Proseriata and Kalyptorhynchia: World database of Proseriata & Kalyptorhynchia
Freeliving flatworms |
1,009 |
WoRMS Porifera: World Porifera Database
Sponges |
8,334 |
WoRMS Polycystina: World List of Polycystina
polycystines (radiolarian protists) |
417 |
WoRMS Polychaeta: World List of Polychaeta
Bristle worms |
10,947 |
WoRMS Phoronida: World Phoronida Database
Horseshoe worms |
16 |
WoRMS Ophiuroidea: World Ophiuroidea Database
Brittle stars and basket stars |
2,054 |
WoRMS Oligochaeta: World List of Marine Oligochaeta
Earthworms, oligochaetes |
900 |
WoRMS Nemertea: World List of Nemertea
Ribbon worms |
1,247 |
WoRMS Mystacocarida: World List of Mystacocarida
Mystacocarids |
13 |
WoRMS Leptostraca: World Leptostraca Database
Leptostraca |
50 |
WoRMS Isopoda: World List of Marine, Freshwater and Terrestrial Isopod Crustaceans
Pillbugs, slaters and woodlice |
10,225 |
WoRMS Hydrozoa: World Hydrozoa Database
Hydroids |
3,397 |
WoRMS Holothuroidea: World List of Holothuroidea
Sea cucumbers |
1,669 |
WoRMS Echinoidea: World Echinoidea Database
Sea urchins |
1,008 |
WoRMS Cumacea: World Cumacea Database
Cumaceans or hooded shrimps |
1,529 |
WoRMS Bryozoa: World Marine Bryozoa Database
Bryozoans, moss animals |
5,654 |
WoRMS Brachyura: World List of Marine Brachyura
Crabs |
6,999 |
WoRMS Brachypoda: World List of Brachypoda
Brachypods |
12 |
WoRMS Brachiopoda: World Brachiopoda Database
Lamp-shells |
386 |
WoRMS Bochusacea: World List of Bochusacea
5 |
WoRMS Asteroidea: World Asteroidea Database
Starfish or sea stars |
1,855 |
World Gracillariidae: Global Taxonomic Database of Gracillariidae
Gracillariid moths |
1,855 |
WCSP: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
99 families of seed plants |
106,715 |
URMO: UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms
Many groups of marine invertebrates and chordates |
12,510 |
Umbellifers: World Umbellifer Database
Imbellifers, carrot or parsley family |
9,331 |
UCD: Universal Chalcidoidea Database
Chalcidoid wasps |
19,847 |
Fungi associated with Arthropods |
312 |
TITAN: Cerambycidae database
Longhorn beetles, timber beetles |
33,140 |
Tineidae NHM: Global Taxonomic Database of Tineidae (Lepidoptera)
Clothes-moths |
2,443 |
TIGR Reptile Database
Reptiles |
8,656 |
Ticks |
867 |
Taxapad Ichneumonoidea
Ichneumonid and braconid wasps |
42,371 |
Systema Dipterorum
Flies, mosquitoes, bots, midges and gnats |
138,934 |
SysMyr: Systematic Myriapod Database
Diplopods, pauropods and symphylans |
10,106 |
Strepsiptera Database: Global Strepsiptera Database
Twisted-winged parasites |
594 |
SpmWeb: Spider Mites Web
Spider mites |
1,265 |
SpidCat: The World Spider Catalog
Spiders |
34,245 |
Species Fungorum
Fungi; protozoan fungi; chromistan fungi |
32,596 |
Species 2000 additional Common Names for the Catalogue of Life
0 |
Solanaceae Source
Nightshade genus |
1,083 |
Scarabs: World Scarabaeidae Database
Scarab beetles |
34,528 |
ScaleNet: Systematic Database of the Scale Insects of the World
Scale insects |
7,090 |
SalticidDB: Global Species Database of Salticidae (Araneae)
Jumping spiders |
5,601 |
Ascomycetous yeast forming fungi |
745 |
Rotifera Database
Rotifers |
1,996 |
RJB Geranium: Geranium Taxonomic Information System
Cranesbills, geraniums |
350 |
Tar-spot fungi |
507 |
Psyl'list: Psylloidea database
Jumping plant lice |
2,429 |
PlecopteraSF: Plecoptera Species File
Stoneflies |
3,279 |
Tropical tar-spot fungi |
1,372 |
PhasmidaSF: Phasmida Species File
Stick and leaf insects |
2,959 |
Parhost: World Database of Fleas
Fleas |
2,047 |
OrthopteraSF: Orthoptera Species File
Grasshoppers, locusts, katydids, crickets |
24,423 |
Odonata: Global Species Database Odonata
Dragonflies and damselflies |
5,912 |
NZIB: New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity
Various animalian taxa from New Zealand |
4,577 |
Slime moulds |
1,092 |
MOWD: Membracoidea of the World Database
Treehoppers and leafhoppers |
15,392 |
MOST: Moss TROPICOS Database
Mosses |
13,365 |
Mites GSDs: TenuipalpidBase
Tenuipalpid mites |
887 |
Mites GSDs: RhodacaridBase
Rhodacarid mites |
145 |
Mites GSDs: PhytoseiidBase
Phytoseiid mites |
2,186 |
Mites GSDs: OlogamasidBase
Ologamasid mites |
446 |
MELnet: Melastomataceae.Net
Melastomes |
4,539 |
MBB: Moss Bug Base
Moss bugs |
32 |
MantodeaSF: Mantodea Species File
Praying mantids |
2,403 |
LIAS: A Global Information System for Lichenized and Non-Lichenized Ascomycetes
Lichens |
6,968 |
LHD: Lacistemataceae Holistic Database
Waits Numi plant family |
28 |
LepIndex: The Global Lepidoptera Names Index
Butterflies and moths |
242,993 |
LecyPages: The Lecythidaceae Pages
Brazil nut family |
311 |
LDL Neuropterida Species of the World
Lacewings, antlions, owlflies, fishflies, dobsonflies & snakeflies |
6,256 |
ITIS Regional: The Integrated Taxonomic Information System
Wide range of taxa in all kingdoms |
76,560 |
ITIS Global: The Integrated Taxonomic Information System
Wide range of global taxonomic checlists of different taxa |
68,091 |
ITIS Bees: World Bee Checklist
Bees |
20,455 |
IOPI Global Plant Checklist
Cycads and 6 families of seed plants |
23,630 |
ILDIS World Database of Legumes
Legumes |
19,949 |
ICTV/MSL: International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses / Master Species List
Viruses and subviral agents |
2,083 |
Hexacorals: Hexacorallians of the World
Sea anemones |
738 |
Glomeromycota |
166 |
GloBIS (GART): Global Butterfly Information System
Swallowtails and whites |
1,635 |
GCC: Global Compositae Checklist
Aster or sunflower family |
32,974 |
FWCrabs: Neotropical Freshwater Crabs Catalogue
Freshwater crabs |
46 |
FLOW: Fulgoromorpha Lists On the WEB
Planthoppers |
11,719 |
Fishes |
32,018 |
ETI WBD: World Biodiversity Database (Euphausiacea)
Krill |
86 |
EmbiopteraSF: Embioptera Species File
Webspinners |
330 |
ELPT: Early Land Plants Today - Uniting Taxonomy, Nomenclature & Geography (liverworts and hornworts)
Hornworts and liverworts |
824 |
EbenaBase: World Species List of Ebenaceae
Ebony family |
411 |
Droseraceae Database
Sundew family |
182 |
2,858 |
COOL: Cercopoidea Organised On Line
Froghoppers |
2,461 |
Conifer Database
Conifers |
614 |
CIPA: Computer Aided Identification of Phlebotomine sandflies of Americas
Phlebotomine sandflies |
396 |
CilCat: The World Ciliate Catalog
Ciliates |
8,699 |
ChiloBase: A World Catalogue of Centipedes (Chilopoda) for the web
Centipedes |
3,146 |
ChenoBase: World Species List of Chenopodiaceae
Goosefoot family |
769 |
CCW: Catalogue of Craneflies of the World
Craneflies |
14,834 |
Brassicaceae species checklist and database
Crucifers, mustard or cabbage family |
3,778 |
BlattodeaSF: Blattodea Species File
Cockroaches |
4,487 |
BIOS: Bacteriology Insight Orienting System
Bacteria, archaea |
6,749 |
BdelloideaBase: Bdellid & Cunaxid Databases
Bdellid and cunaxid mites |
574 |
AphidSF: Aphid Species File
Aphids and allied groups |
4,867 |
AnnonBase: World Species List of Annonaceae
Custard apples |
2,512 |
Seaweeds and other algae, including blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) |
31,003 |
AFD: Australian Faunal Directory (Pulmonata)
Snails and slugs (some groups) |
947 |
3i Typhlocybinae: 3i interactive keys and taxonomic databases, subfamily Typhlocybinae
Leafhoppers |
4,508 |
3i Cicadellinae: 3i interactive keys and taxonomic databases, subfamily Cicadellinae
Leafhoppers |
2,137 |